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Game Name : Suffering, The
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2004-10-04 14:36:18
Views : 27196

The Shining reference
After you leave the Asylum where you do all the tasks with Doctor Killjoy, you will be in an area that has what appears to be a nine-step staircase. Walk up it and follow the wall. Sou should run into an opening that has walls made of some type of vegetation. You will hallucinate and see images of your children. As you follow them, they will run down one way. While continuing to follow them you will encounter a corpse that is sitting up against the vegetation wall, with an axe laying beside him. This is a reference to The Shining, where Jack Nicholson is chasing his son through the labyrinth and dies against one of the walls inside. Note: The Shining was also mentioned in the game's bonus material.

Iron Maiden references
On many of the walls you will find "If there is a God, then why has he let me die" which is an exact quote from the song "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden. Also, on two walls near the beginning of the game, the words "This is a world that has gone very wrong for me", which is also from the same song ("In a world that has gone very wrong for me"). This is difficult to read because its written in smeared blood.

Tool references
There are two references to a song by the band Tool called "Ticks and Leeches." Early in the game look closely at one of the walls. You will see the words "Ticks & Leeches," which references the song. This is not a coincidence, as later in the game, about where the Noosemen appear, written on the wall are the words "Suck Me Dry," which is a phrase constantly repeated in the song. Also, the phrase, "I hope you choke" can be found written on a wall some time before the gun fight with the guards and the man with the gun turret. This is also part of that song.

The Ring references
When you are in the abandoned World War II bunker, you will encounter a desk with three phones. Two of them are are green and the other is red. Pick up the red phone first and you will hear the a girl's voice say "You will die in seven days". Also, in Chapter 15 (An Eye For An Eye Makes The World Blind), as you come from a staircase with two small Slayers and one large Slayer, you will find yourself in a small room with white walls and a few dead COs on the walls. There will be a phone next to the door you need to go through. Pick it up, and one of the Inferna Girls (the small girls in the pink nightgowns) will say, "You will die, in seven days."

Increase Negative Karma
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left, Left, Down, Up, R2 while playing. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Full Xombium Bottle
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Right, Right, Up, Up, R2, Left, Right, R2, Right, Up, Right, R2 while playing. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Gonzo Gun
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left, R2, R2, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, R2, R2, R2, Down, Up, Down, Up, R2 while playing. A message will confirm correct code entry.

The Ring
Reach level fifteen, "An eye for an eye..." After you talk to your children and wife (whom are within the prision cells), some baddies appear and blow a hole through the wall. Going through this hole leads you into the COs breakroom. Before leaving this room, make sure you pick up the phone next to the door. A voice on the other end tells you "You will die in seven days!" in an obvious reference to the movie The Ring.

Torque's Family Archives
Make "Good" decisions (i.e. saving characters from death, helping characters, etc.) and beat the game.
Conserve Revolver Ammo
Instead of waiting for the person in the electric chair to die, kill him with the sickle that is found in the cell.

Max Out Insanity Monster Attack
At the part of the game inside a prison, where you are supposed to help the guard get accros the wall, slayers will keep spawning until you shine the light on them. If you don't use the light and let them keep coming, keep killing the slayers as they come. When your insanity hits full, keep using the main attack until you run out, and repeat this as many times as you like until your little blue bar disappears in the lower right. When done, just shine the spot to stop the slayers, and continue on your way.

Unlock Developer Commentary
Start a new game after already completing the game at least once. During the prelude level, a crow will fly to a corner and land. Jump on top of the crow for the commentary.

New Beginning
Beat the game once to unlock a new opening sequence for the next game you begin.

Monster Archives
Complete the game using the monster transformation throughout the majority of the game.

During gameplay, hold L1 + R1 + X and enter DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, UP, R2

New Beginning
Beat the game once to unlock a new opening sequence for the next game you begin.

During gameplay, hold L1 + R1 + X and enter DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, R2

Increase Negative Karma
During gameplay, hold L1 + R1 + X and enter LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, UP, R2

Refill Throw Weapon Ammo
During gameplay, hold L1 + R1 + X and enter LEFT, LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, R2

Refill Current Gun Ammo
During gameplay, hold L1 + R1 + X and enter RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, R2

Torque's Archives
Make "Bad" decisions (i.e. killing characters, leaving characters to die, etc.) and beat the game.

During gameplay, hold L1 + R1 + X and enter RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, R2

Quickly Descend Ladders
Press X, X quickly to drop down a ladder much more quickly.

Unlimited Flashlight
Once your flashlight is almost used up, save the game and reload from the save. Your light will then stay light until you find new batteries.

Conserve Revolver Ammo
Instead of waiting for the person in the electric chair to die, kill him with the sickle that is found in the cell.

Max Out Insanity Monster Attack
At the part of the game inside a prison, where you are supposed to help the guard get accros the wall, slayers will keep spawning until you shine the light on them. If you don't use the light and let them keep coming, keep killing the slayers as they come. When your insanity hits full, keep using the main attack until you run out, and repeat this as many times as you like until your little blue bar disappears in the lower right. When done, just shine the spot to stop the slayers, and continue on your way.

Unlock Developer Commentary
Start a new game after already completing the game at least once. During the prelude level, a crow will fly to a corner and land. Jump on top of the crow for the commentary.

New Beginning
Beat the game once to unlock a new opening sequence for the next game you begin.

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