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Game Name : Rogue Ops
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2004-10-04 13:39:54
Views : 22874

Training Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Training level, then press Left, Right(2), Left, Circle, Square, R2, L2, Circle(2), Square. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

View Development Team
Save the game after passing any level past Training 2. Press Up at the title screen to highlight the 'Credits' option. Enter the 'Credits' screen, quickly exit that screen back to the title screen, then repeat this over five times. This must be done quickly. Then, select the 'Start Game' option and choose your profile. The game's developers will appear as rotating targets at the level selection screen.

Carmen Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Carmen level, then press R2, L2, Right, Left(2), L2, R2, Square(3), R2. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Mod Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Mod level, then press R2, L2, Right, R2, Left, Circle, R2, Circle, Right(2), Left. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Museum Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Museum level, then press L2(2), Right(3), L2, R2, Square, R2, Square, R2. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Reliance Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Reliance level, then press R2, L2, Right, Left, R2, L2, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Circle. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Bank Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Bank level, then press R2, L2, Square, Circle, Left, R2, Left(2), Square, Circle, Square. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Silo Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Silo level, then press R2, L2, Right, Left(2), L2, Circle, R2, Square(3). The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

La Casa Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the La Casa level, then press R2, L2, Right, Left(2), L2, R2, Square(3), R2. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Magyar Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Magyar level, then press R2, Circle(2), Left(2), L2, R2, Right, Square, Right(2). The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Forsythe Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Forsythe level, then press L2(2), Right(3), L2, R2, Square, R2, Square, R2. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Installation K Level Completed
Press Start to pause game play in the Installation K level, then press R2, L2, Square(2), Left, L2(2), Square(2), L1, Square. The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry.

Various Codes
During gameplay press START and enter any of the following codes:

Half Damage: Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Left, Left, Right, Right, Circle, Circle, Square, Square

Bulletproof: Left, Right, Right, Left, Square, Circle, Circle, Square

Invincibility:- Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Square, Square

Infinite Ammo: Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Left, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square

One-Shot Kills: Circle, Left, Right, Right, Left, Circle, R2, L2, Circle, Square, Square

M7 Turned Frag Launcher: L2, R2, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, R2, L2, Square, Circle

Crossbow Turned Frag Launcher: Left, Right, Right, Left, Square, Circle, L2, R2, Square, Circle, Left, Right

Big Weapons: Square, Square, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle

Big Feet: Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left, Left

Skip Cutscene: L2, Square, L2, Circle, L2, Left, L2, Right, L2, R2, R2, Square, R2, Circle, R2, Left, R2, Right, Square

Watch End Cinema: R2, L2, Square, Square, Left, L2, L2, Square, Square, R2, Square

Half damage
Press Start to pause game play, then press Square(2), Circle(2), Left(2), Right(2), Circle(2), Square(2). The screen will flash white and a whooshing sound will play to confirm correct code entry. Note: This must be entered quickly and at a steady pace.

Opening the door in the basement when chasing van Cleef
When in the basement, you will find a health pack and below it a wooden plank. Use your night vision goggles to see
a green line that connects to a door further up. Around that bend is a patrolling guard. Kill the guard and pick him up. Walk over to the plank and place the body there. The door that the green line you saw earlier connects to is now open.

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