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Game Name : Nightshade
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2004-10-04 13:04:43
Views : 24378

It’s a good idea to break all destructible items; you’ll find Chakra power-ups, Energy Capsules, and Bonus coins. You’ll find a Ration power up on every level, use it to increase your Energy Gauge so you can withstand damage attacks better. Your Dash attacks give you an advantage against every enemy. Use your dash move to attack your enemies from behind, this causes more damage then a front attack. Each level has two extra Ninjitsu scrolls which increase your Shinobi Magic to cast Ninjutsu spells. It’s a good idea to Always find the two scrolls before you reach the boss battle at the end of the
stage to have more powerful attacks. And once you complete Normal mode you’ll unlock a new costume for Hibana. There are three unlockable secret characters. When you complete Easy Mode you’ll unlock Hisui the Shinobi of Water. Joe Musash is the Shinobi of Legend. He can throw an unlimited number of Shuriken and is unlocked once you complete Normal Mode. The final Secret Character is the Master of Obor, Hotsuma. To play as Hotsuma you’ll have to play through 88 stages in any combination of Story Mode, Time Attack Mode, Survival Mode or Mission Mode. Hotsuma has a powerful Slash attack and when you play through the game with him you have to defeat every enemy or your energy will drain. Each kill recharges his health. The quickest way to play though 88 stages is to enter Mission mode and replay Mission 05 again and again until you’ve cleared it 88 times. Mission 05 is one of the easiest and fastest missions to complete!

Break enemy block
Use Kunoichi Hibana's DOWN + kick attack to hit opponents, even if they're blocking. Once their guard is broken you can continue with combo attacks.

EX missions
Mission Mode stage 1 - Collect 3 secret clan coins.
Mission Mode stage 2 - Collect 14 secret clan coins.
Mission Mode stage 3 - Collect 24 secret clan coins.
Mission Mode stage 4 - Collect 35 secret clan coins.
Mission Mode stage 5 - Collect 45 secret clan coins.
Mission Mode stage 6 - Collect 56 secret clan coins.
Mission Mode stage 7 - Collect 68 secret clan coins.
Mission Mode stage 8 - Collect 80 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 1 - Collect 10 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 2 - Collect 21 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 3 - Collect 31 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 4 - Collect 42 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 5 - Collect 52 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 6 - Collect 64 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 7 - Collect 76 secret clan coins.
Survival Mode stage 8 - Collect 88 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 1 - Collect 7 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 2 - Collect 17 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 3 - Collect 28 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 4 - Collect 38 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 5 - Collect 49 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 6 - Collect 60 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 7 - Collect 72 secret clan coins.
Time Attack Mode stage 8 - Collect 84 secret clan coins.

Unlock characters
Hisui - Beat the game on easy mode.

Hotsuma (JP version) - Beat normal mode while having a JP version Shinobi game save in your memory card. The Shinobi save needs to have finished the game at least once.

Joe Musashi - Beat 88 stages in the game altogether. There's a counter at the bottom of the page in the rank screen after you have completed a mission.

Unlock costumes
Hibana's 2nd costume - Beat the game on normal mode.
Hibana's 3rd costume - Beat the game on hard mode.
Hisui's 2nd costume - Collect all 88 Clan Coins

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