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Game Name : NHL 2004
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2004-10-04 13:02:37
Views : 24033

Unlock Deep Voice
If you have a saved file from any EA Sports football game, the Deep Voice for the Commentator will be available to unlock under the Unlockables menu.

Create a player using one of the following names of the band Gob
Theo Gobzinakis, Gabe Metal, Gob Stomper, Tom Whacker, Pat Wolfman, or Craig Would. The game will adjust the players face and statistics automatically to match that band member.

Card Cheats
Start a dynasty and earn points by scoring goals, hitting,assists etc...Then go to features and buy cards. In some of those cards you will get cheats u can use in the game. Collect all the cards. The higher the level u play on the more points you get.

Bouncing puck
Go to game settings menu and adjust the "Puck Friction", "Puck Gravity" and every option you can adjust on that screen that has to do with the puck. Go to a game and shoot the puck down the ice. If it does not hit the goalie, the puck should be bouncing all over the place until it runs out of speed.

Bonus players
Create a player using one of the following names of members of the band Alien Ant Farm: Terence Corso, Mike Cosgrove, Dryden Mitchell, or Tye Zamora. The game will adjust the players face and statistics automatically to match that band member.

All Out Attack
If you're down by a goal late in the game and the other team has the puck, move your Offensive Quick Play to All out Attack and your Defensive Quick Play to ‘High Pressure’ to put maximum pressure on the opposing team so you can get the puck back in your possession.

Getting good players
In dynasty mode, rack up on draft picks by signing unwanted free agents and trading them to random teams for draft picks. Doing this also earns you GM experience points.

Ultimate Dynasty team
To get an awesome team go to rosters in exhibition mode then go to trade and pick all the players you want. start a new dynasty mode and set rosters to current and you will have the team you picked.

Have Ultimate Team Without Stealing Players
All you have to do is go to "my NHL" and create your own team. Pick whichever players you want to. Now when you go to "Dynasty Mode", substitute your created team for any other NHL team. Now you have the best team, and all of the members of your team are still on their original teams at the same time. But beware, if you created your own player he will still be a free agent at the start of the dynasty even though he is already on your team.

Duplicate a Player
If you would like to create a duplicate of the same player on the NHL 2004 roster go to 'My NHL' then go to 'Create Player'. The next thing you have to do is type in the Players last name and first name, and then it'll say "There is a player in the database with that name. Would you like to create a player with the same information?" This works with only the NHL 2004 roster

Easy Goals
Use the following trick to get an easy goal about 75% of the time. Take the puck down the ice very fast with your winger (either side works). Stop at the goal line at the board. Make sure that nobody comes and picks the puck from you. Your center man will most likely be standing directly in front of the goal. Wait until you have a clear pass to him then do a one-timer and he will score. You will probably have to move around a lot to get the open slot, and to keep from getting picked off.

Easy Goals
Play in any mode on easy or beginner and just as you cross the blue line press the shoot button and the puck will go in almost always.

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