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Game Name : Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2004-08-19 16:22:04
Views : 32355

Beating the Ringwraiths
To beat the Ringwraiths(the second level) wait till they are close, then hit them with the stick(that's if it's burning; if it is not, light it at the fire. To attack and replenish the stick of fire, use the Y button, NEVER the A button). It will now be on fire. Attack it two more times and it will make a squeal and run away. Do this to 5 Ringwraiths, and you beat the level.

Beating the Cave Troll
Go to the Balin's Tomb level. Once you get to the part where the Troll comes out, first, attack him. Then press the black button when he tries to attack you. Repeat(while at the same time guarding yourself from the orcs) untill you jump up on the ledge on the perimeter of the tomb. An orc will be waiting for you. Kill it then hide behind a pillar with you bow/throwing axe at the ready. Wait untill the troll slashes a hole in the pillar, the shoot it through the hole. Note: this will only work as long as there are pilars to hide behind. Another strategy is to wait behind a pillar untill the Troll is in mid-slash. Then run to the side and shoot the troll when it has it's back turned, trying to break the pillar. Once you beat this level one time, you can beat it every time.

Beating Lurtz
Go to the Amon Hen level. Once you get to the part where you're fighting Lurtz(the orc/urak-Hai captain at the end of the level that is seen killing Boromir), shoot him two or three times with arrows/throwing axes. He will then grunt, throw down his bow, and pick up a sword. Wait untill he tries to attack you then block. That will temporarily stun him. While he is stunned, attack him. Repeat this untill he is defeated.

TIP: Get behind a statue when he tries to attack you. While his sword is stuck, you can attack him with sword/axe or arrow/throwing axe.

Beating the Watcher
To beat the Watcher(The Large Octopus Monster, the level just before Balin's Tomb), get right in front of the Watcher and wait till it tries to attack you with one of it's tentacles, then parry(block). The tentacle will wave around in the air, and while it is, attack the tentacle. It will be chopped off. After that, the Watcher will bring it's head up. While it's up, hit it with an arrow or a throwing axe. Keep repeating this until it dies. TIP: It's best to wait until all the tentacles are in the air before you chop one off. That way, it can't attack you when it's head pops up. You should also try to beat it first with Gimli or Legalas.

Instant Excellence
For an automatic "excellent" rating, knock an enemy off a cliff(B button). This also builds up your stats.

Level 8 skills
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A(2), Down(2). The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

Restore ammunition
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, Down, Y, Up. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

Add 1000 experience points
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, Down(3). The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

Level 4 skills
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, Up, Y, Up. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

Slow motion
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, B, A, X. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.

Unlimited missile weapons
Pause game play, then L + R and press X, B, A, Y. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.

Devastating attacks
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X(2), B(2). The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry. Hold Y during battles to do devastating attacks. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.

Restore health
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, Down, A, Up. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

Small enemies
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y(2), A(2). The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.

Level 6 skills
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X, Left, X, Left. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

All combo upgrades
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, B, Y, B. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.

Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, X, A, B. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.

Level 2 skills
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, Right, B, Right. The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

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