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Game Name : Mega Man X5
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2004-06-21 15:59:58
Views : 24271

Megaman X4 appearance
Start a training level with X or Zero. Get to the end of the level to find Magma Dragoon, a maverick from Megaman X4. Also, make it to Maverick Base level 3. Play this level as Zero to fight X, who will use moves from Megaman X4 such as Soul Body, Frost Tower, and Double Cyclone.

Raise your speed
Note: To do this trick you have to be at the third Maverick stage. Drop down and go to the part where you face the green robot. Stay there and a group of white dots will appear. Face each of them. Keep doing this and your speed pushing buttons will increase. The best character to use is Zero.

Recommended level order
Grizzly Slash, Duff Mcwhalen, Squid Adler, Izzy Glow, Dark Dizzy, The Skiver, Mattrex, and Axle The Red.

Defeating Izzy Glow
Izzy Glow's weakness is the Tri-Thunder, but the C-Sword does more damage. It just does not paralyze him, so you can hit him again sooner. If you keep hitting him constantly, the battle will be over in less than 30 seconds.

Dash Jump
Use the following trick to reach a high ledge or jump to the next wall. Hold Dash and perform a jump to automatically do a Dash Jump. This is very helpful, as it also works on walls.

Megaman X2 battle
Keep Zero from going maverick and go to the third Sigma stage as Megaman X. Complete the stage and you will fight Zero. Zero has almost the same exact pattern as he did when you fight him in Megaman X2.

Save a life
After Zero becomes a Maverick you get a new stage. Enter the stage and climb the wall to your left. Collect the helmet (extra life) located there. When you lose a life, you can get it again and you will have the same lives that you started with.

Rank PA
As Zero, first fight Dynamo after defeating Izzy Glow and some other Boss. Fight Dynamo with Zero using Izzy's weapon until he dies. After that, you will move up to GA. The second time, fight Dynamo with four or more heart upgrades, and both E-Tanks and the W-tank full. If you fought in excellent time with about 19 or less damage, you should get the PA rank. The rules for keeping a PA rank are very difficult. If you die twice, or exceed six minutes of game play in the level you will lose it. As X, this can be very difficult at first. You must have all that Zero had and the Ultimate armor. X's rank must be at GA before the event. This time, you will use Nova Strike (Giga Attack L2).

Enhance Zero's power
To make Zero stronger, get the capsule in the third Zero stage (where X's Ultimate Armor is located.) Zero will become black. He can destroy viruses, take less damage, and inflict more damage. Note: This is not an armor. Zero will remain like this.

Best weapon
Use the Gala attack with the Ultimate Armor to have the best weapon that defeats most Bosses, including Sigma (both rounds). Keep using that attack, which is unlimited. Be careful with Sigma, as he keeps moving around.

Ultimate armor
In Maverick Area 3, immediately before the end, is a platform over a pit. Fall, stay to the right, and go through the fake wall.

Get all the armors for X and Zero
Start the game with X and make sure you have the Fourth Armor. After destroying the colony (make sure Zero does not become Maverick), go to the third Maverick stage with either X or Zero. After getting the armor, die constantly and go to stage selection screen when the game ends. Then, go to the stage again, but with the other hunter. For example, if you went with Zero first, then go with X next or vice versa. Look at the left side of the stage selection screen to find the Fourth Armor, Black Zero, Ultimate Armor, Gaea Armor (if you have it), and Falcon Armor (if you have it).

Ultimate armor for X or Zero
Go past all of the spike traps in the third Sigma level. You will reach what appears to be a pit. Slide down the right side of it until you fall into a room that contains a capsule. Step into the capsule to obtain the armor. When playing as X, you will have to intentionally die and restart the level to use it. Zero will automatically equip it.

Defeating second Zero Virus stage Boss
The Boss of the second of the Zero Virus Stages (the big face from Megaman X) has three weaknesses. The red and green eyes are weak to C-Shot, the blue eye is weak to Ground Fire, and the nose is weak to Goo Shaver.

Defeating Dark Dizzy
Shoot the F-Laser with X standing at the center of the screen. Guide it under him, then have it turn around and go the other way. If timed correctly, Dark Dizzy will move into the tail of the laser, but your laser will not be used up. You can do this either under him or beside him. Yolu will have to guess whether he will move up/down or to the side.

Easy Zero stages
The following is an easy way to get through the first of the three Zero Stages. At the first stage where all the green lasers that can kill you instantly are, use Dark Hold. It stops the lasers and gives you time to get through everything.

Zero's Sabre Slash on Bosses
Usually you can do up to 3 or 4 hit combo on any Boss. However, the Final Slash will paralyze the Boss for awhile, which prevents you from slashing it during this time. To avoid this, hit the Boss with a 2 or 3 hit combo and do not use the Final Slash. It would be better if you used Zero's Supreme Slash.

Ultimate armor for Megaman
Start a new game. Highlight Megaman at the character selection screen, then press [Up] two times then [Down] nine times. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press [Enter] to begin game play with his Ultimate armor. This armor has unlimited Giga attacks.
Black armor for Zero
Start a new game. Highlight Zero at the character selection screen, then press [Down] two times then [Up] nine times. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press [Enter] to begin game play with his Black armor.
Zero's Supreme Slash
Either press Dash + Slash, or press Forward, Forward + Slash. Note: This is the best to finish some of the Bosses.

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