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Game Name : Orion Burger
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-12 00:10:39
Views : 25136

Walkthrough :
Test 1: Neuroanalysis Test

Go to barbers roof via stairs, move dish, quickly get down, enter
barber shop, move Lazy Susan in front of barbers chair, enter
back room, barber will come back, ask haircut, ask for hairwax,
regular hairwax. Ask to put amount due on tab. Choose sentence
with good. Exit shop. Now collect Puz Dispenser in Wilburs room,
in Aunt Pollys home., Go to Vera Diner (left bottom in front of
aunt Pollys house. Take mouse trap, connect spring to Puz
Dispenser. Go to old bridge give Puz Dispenser to Odie. Go to
Vera Diner, outside open ice box get ice, get fanbelt from motor
of car. Test 1 done.

Test 2: Survival test
Go down center tube, get Kibble use gun on ice. Go up, go up,
move Wood Chippings, quickly go down left tube. Go down , stand
in rightmost corner. Wait. Go up shoot Waterdish. Go down. Use
pantyhose on motor. Drop kibble on floor, move motor. Exit. Test
2 done.

Test 3: Sensory Perception Test
Go to Old Bridge, go left, move sign, wait till you see the
trucker. Go to Town Hall, enter Town Hall. Knock on Town Records.
Buy property. Sign contract. Go to Aunt Pollys house, outside
open mailbox. Go to Kitchen (Door to the right). Talk with Aunt
Polly about phone bill. Take Carrot Juice (its under the juicer)
. Go to Vera Diner outside, go left, use rowboat. Use Teleporter
(just above control-box), take Burger Morsel. (The spit you spit
out) Go into Cabin, get matches (on the table next to the bed)
exit cabin. Give Burger Morsel to Truffels: the pig. Go to
Backyard, put Carrot Juice in boiler, turn on fueltank, use
matches on burner, Take jug, put jug on stool. Go to frontyard.
Go to cellar (mine) use jug on Wilbur. Enter mine. Use dog
whistle to find out if you are getting closer or further away
from Truffels. When you find Truffels use dog whistle and she
will go away. Use probe to get burger, Test 3 done.

Test 4: Language Test
First fail test, go to Aunt Polly House, go to bathroom, take
laxative (looks like chocolate). Go to Vera Diner, if there is a
touring bus standing, go to parking lot, if not wander around
till it is there. When you are in the parking lot give laxative
to Drumz. Take amplifier (above Drumz). Use transporter. When
test begins use these things to exterminate Borks: Bork in the
bathroom, take rubberduck, put rubberduck in toilet, flush,
flush. Bork in the kitchen, wait till he jumps to the microwave
quickly take rollerpin and use on Bork, turn on microwave. Bork
sliding on the stairs. Go bathroom and fill bottle that first
contained carrot juice with soapy water, put soapy water on
railing. Bork in basement. Take dirty sock, put in wringer, turn
on outside breaker. Bork who is playing with the computer, use
amplifier on television. Go down, get kindling (wood), use on
television fire upstairs. Get back to Wilburs room exit by
window. Get christmas lights use lights on hole, go to kitchen
get rubber gloves ( hanging on cupboard) put on gloves go to Aunt
Polly room get lights use lights on phone cord. Test done.

Test 5: Logic Test
Fail test, go to Old Bridge, go left, go down, go to sheriffs
window, get keys, exit. Open trunk with keys, get Jaws o life,
get keys, go to sheriffs window, put keys in ignition. Use
transporter, give deed to Elmo, exit by rightmost disc, use fish
on tire (jus in front of the hole) use jawz on lock, pull lever,
use hook on barred window, get dog collar go into jail get
quarter. Exit, and exit by rightmost disc, give dog collar to
Vipe, ask for records, use records on jukebox, use quarter on
jukebox. Exit by topmost disc. Test done.
Ship. Watch movie when ready talk to Flumix until you can ask him
where the meatlocker is.

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