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Game Name : Lost Eden
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-12 00:03:18
Views : 24367

Walkthrough :
General hints:
Building citadels
To build a citadel, first find the humans in the region. Then find a shaded forest and take some mushrooms from that location. If a poison mushroom is taken, feed it to Thugg. He will be able to digest the mushroom without any ill effects. Next, find a herd of Brontosaurus and befriend them by offering them some mushrooms. Play the flute and they will assist the men in building a citadel.

To find the Mosasaurus, talk to Thugg and get an apple. Go to a lake and look below the surface of the water and wait for the Mosasaurus to swim into view. If it does not appear, try a different location at the lake. Throw an apple into the lake. If nothing appeared, leave the valley and talk to Thugg. He will find another apple. Return to the lake and try again. The Mosasaurus will tell Adam which object of power will be effective for that specific valley.

Velociraptors are the only dinosaurs who can fight the Tyrannosaurs. To accomplish this task, they must be given gold and an object of power. Gold can be found near the lakes.

Triceratops want empty nests, which can be found in the trees. If there are eggs in the nest, the Triceratops will not want the nest. Instead, give the eggs to Thugg.
Watch and listen to Eloi's history of Eden.
Citadel of Mo
The game begins at the main entrance of the Citadel of Mo. Move forward. Talk to Thugg, who is standing on the raised ramp that leads out of the citadel, to learn that King Gregor and Monk wish to see Adam.
Move left, then forward to enter the lower area of the citadel. Three gates will appear in front of Adam. The left gate leads to Jabber the Executioner, the right gate is the side entrance of the citadel (currently locked), and the middle gate leads to the throne room. Move forward to through the middle gate. The next hall has three doors. The door to the left that is slanted into the ground is the crypt (where Monk is located), the door to the right is Adam's room, and the middle door opens to the throne room. Move forward to enter the throne room.

Eloi and King Gregor will speak to Adam his coming of age and the destruction of Chamaar. Talk to Eloi again, and he will tell Adam that he will see him later in his room. Look at the three frescos behind King Gregor's throne to learn about Adam's ancestors. Move back to return to the hallway, and left to enter the door to the crypt.

Talk to Monk. He will give Adam a talisman of courage. Look at the tablet that is leaning on the table. Move back to return to the hallway and right to enter Adam's room.

Eloi will be waiting in the room. Talk to him to learn about Dina. Eloi will give Adam a Way Stone. Move back to return to the hallway, and back again to go to the three gates.

Move right to enter the gate on the right side to go to the side entrance of the citadel. Talk to Dina to learn about her grandfather. Move forward to leave the citadel and go to Tau's Cave.
Tau's Cave
Move forward to enter the cave and talk to Tau. He will tell Adam about Graa and the construction of the citadels. Before Tau dies he will give Adam a shell. It can be used to communicate with Tau throughout the game. After Tau dies, take the knife of Graa from the table next to the bed. Move back to exit the cave and return to the Citadel of Mo.
Citadel of Mo
Give the talisman of courage to Dina. Move left to go to the Executioner's room.
Talk to Jabber the executioner. He will give Adam a tooth. Move back, forward, and left to return to the crypt.

Look at the mummy behind Monk in the center of the room. Place the tooth into the mummy's mouth, which was missing a tooth. The mummy will move back to reveal a secret passage will appear. Move forward to enter the subterranean tunnels.

Keep moving forward until Dina refuses to move any further. Move forward to approach the skeleton guarding the tunnel ahead. Use the tooth on the skeleton and it will fall apart. Look at the hole in the wall that was behind the skeleton. The wall will roll to the right, opening another entrance. Move forward to enter the next room.

Dina will explain the large horn and Moorkong's death. Take the prism on the ground in front of the horn. Look at the frescoes on the wall behind the Iguanadon. As the torch is passed over the frescoes, press A to learn the secret of the Architect and Graa. Dina will give Adam a flute to help build the citadels. Move back to return to the crypt.

Dina will talk to Monk about the prism. Give the prism to Monk after he asks to see it. After it is returned to Adam, use the prism on the tablet leaning on the table. Moorkus Rex will appear in the tablet and threaten Adam. Monk will give Adam the tablet. Dina will ask Monk to persuade the king that evil is threatening Mo, and that Adam must be allowed to defeat the Tyrann. Return to the throne room.

Eloi and King Gregor will be in the throne room. Monk will persuade King Gregor to allow Adam to fight Moorkus Rex. He will also tell Adam to take Thugg with him. Eloi will volunteer to serve as guide and messenger. Return to the citadel's main gate.

Talk to Thugg and he will agree accompany Adam. Move forward to leave the citadel. Go to Chamaar.
Eloi will introduce Mungo to Adam before leaving. Explore the west side of the valley to find the Chorrians and their leader, Chong.
Mungo will introduce Adam to Chong. Chong will agree to an alliance to the dinosaurs and ask that a citadel be built. Find a herd of Brontosaurus and use mushrooms and the flute to have them build a citadel. In return for the citadel, Chong will give Adam a Moon Stone when before he leaves the valley.

Find the herd of Apatosaurus at the border of the forest. Play the flute to obtain their help in moving from valley to valley. Go to the lake.

Find the Mosasaurus to learn that the Tyranns in this valley are afraid of the Eye in the Storm. Move to the north to Uluru.
Explore the north-east area of the valley to find the cave of the Ulele people. Mungo will introduce Adam to their leader, Ulan. Ulan will ask that a citadel be built in the valley. Befriend the herd of Brontosaurs in the plains to the south and west of the cave to have them assist in building a citadel. In return for the citadel, Ulan will give Adam a tablet before he leaves the valley.
Find the Mosasaurus in the lake to learn that the Tyranns in this valley are afraid of the Sky Hammer.

Eloi will bring news of Tyranns approaching the citadel in Chamaar. Return to Chamaar.
Go to the citadel and talk to Chong multiple times. Adam will learn that Tyranns are trying to storm the construction site and that the Brontosaurus are too frightened to build. Find another herd of Brontosaurus and start another fortress. Eloi will bring news of Velociraptors in Uluru. Return to the Uluru.
Go to the citadel and talk to Ulan. He will give Adam information about the Kobu people in the valley to the east. Go to Koto.
Find the Kobu tribe in the east part of the valley. Talk to leader, Kommala. She will tell Adam that they require the help of Velociraptors the defeat the Tyrann in this valley.
Find the Mosasaurus in the to learn that the Tyranns in this valley are afraid of the Fire in the Clouds. Return to Uluru.
Return to the cave and talk to the Keeper of Traditions. He will give Adam information about the Velociraptors. Adam will now be able to find gold in the valleys. The Keeper will give the Eye in the Storm to Adam. He will also ask Adam to find and return the three ancestral Ulele masks.
Explore the areas next to the lake to find gold. Return to the Koto.
Find the Velociraptors and give them the gold. Go to the Kobu tribe again. After Kommala is confident of victory, find the Brontosaurus and build a citadel. In return for the citadel, Kommala will reward Adam with the Mask of Bonding before he leaves the valley.
Go to the cave in the north-west of the valley. Take the Sun Stone and examine the paintings on the wall. Return to Uluru.
Return to the cave and give the Mask Of Bonding to the Keeper of Traditions. He will give Adam a choice between two items of power. Choose the Sky Hammer (the hand-shaped object).
Find the Velociraptors in the valley. Give them gold and the Sky Hammer. Return to the cave.

The Keeper of Traditions will give Adam another object of power, the Fire in the Clouds. Return to Chamaar.
Find the Velociraptors in the valley. Give them gold and the Eye In The Storm. Return to Koto.
Find the Velociraptors and give them gold and the Fire in the Clouds. Upon leaving the valley Mungo and Eloi will give Adam information about the Valley of Despair and Narrim, lord of the Aquasaurus. Go to Narrim's Cave.
Narrim's Cave
Show Narrim the knife of Graa to enlist his help. Narrim will give Adam information about a hidden pass into the Valley Of Despair, in Tamara.
As Tamara is entered, Eloi will tell the story of how the Tyrann were encountered in battle, and Dina will learn that Mungo was lost during the fight.
Find the Mosasaurus in the lake to learn that the Tyranns in this valley fear Within and Without.

Go near the water in the east part of the valley and find the Tammnians and their leader, Tahloomi. Tahloomi will rename the valley to the Valley of Tamara and introduce Adam to Fugg, their sergeant. Fugg will ask that a citadel be built.

Find the Brontosaurus and build a citadel. In return Fugg, will give Adam a bag of earth. When Adam tries to leave the valley, Tahloomi will tell him about Cantura and dangerous Sea of Peril. Give the Way Stone to Tahloomi. Journey across the Sea of Peril to Cantura.
Adam will learn that Tahloomi is a woman named Eve. Dina will decide to return to Tamara to find Mungo. Eve will give her the Way Stone to help her on her journey.
Find the Castra people in the cave in the north-west part of the valley. They will capture Eve. Talk with their leader, Cabuka. They will only release her when Adam brings Dina to them. Use Eloi to return to Tamara.
After arriving, Eloi will leave to find other Pterodactyls to help Adam in his journey.
Go to the lake. Dina will be standing at the shore, thinking about Mungo. Go to her and use the tablet that was obtained from Monk on Adam. Moorkus Rex will show Adam what happened to Mungo. After Dina learns Mungo's fate, she will agree to return with Adam to Cantura.

Eloi will return with other Pterodactyls when Adam is ready to return to Cantura.
Return to the cave and talk to Cabuka. The Castra will accept Dina and release Eve. Cabuka will ask Adam to build a citadel. Find the Brontosaurs and build a citadel. In return for the citadel, Cabuka will offer Adam treasure. Return to the cave.
Dina will tell Adam that she will be serving as the Castra High Priestess and give Adam the Mask Of Birth. Talk to the Castra Magus. He will ask Adam three questions. When asked about the life giving master, give him the Sun Stone. When asked about the shadow mistress, give him the Moon Stone. When asked about the infant-bearing mother of all, give him the Bag of Earth. Magus will give Adam another tablet.

Find the Mosasaurus in the lake to learn that the Tyranns in this valley fear the Eye In The Cyclone.

When leaving Cantura, Eloi will say that the citadels must be made stronger in order to progress. Eve will tell Adam about her skills at communicating with the Triceratops. As each valley is re-visited, find the Triceratops. Find nests in the forest. If a nest is not empty, give it to Thug. Offer the nest as a gift of friendship to the Triceratops, and Eve will sing to them.

Return to Uluru.
Go to the cave and give the Mask Of Birth to the Keeper of Traditions. He will offer Adam two objects of power. Choose Within And Without (the Skull). Return to Tamara.
Find the Velociraptors and give them gold and Within And Without. Return to Uluru.
Go to the cave and take the Eye In The Cyclone from the Keeper Of Traditions. Return to Cantura.
Find the Velociraptors and give them gold and the Eye In The Cyclone.
Eloi will bring Adam news that King Gregor has died. Return to the Citadel of Mo.
Citadel of Mo
Go to the throne room. The Monk will tell Adam to take the hunting horn and explain that the body must be taken to the Embalmers. Take the hunting horn from the throne room. Exit the citadel through the main gate to go to the Embalmers.
Enter the cave and speak with the priestess, Marinda. She will explain to Adam that a volunteer must wield the Blade of the Transcendence to free the spirit of King Gregor. Return to the Citadel of Mo to find a suitable volunteer.
Citadel of Mo
Go to Jabber the executioner and give him the hunting horn. The Monk will translate Jabber's willingness to wield the Blade of the Transcendence. Return to the Embalmers.
Monk will present Jabber to Marinda. After the ceremony, Adam will receive the Mask Of Death. Marinda will give Adam very powerful weapons to fight the Tyrann, but she will share them only after he proves his right to the throne by holding the Golden Sword Of Mashaar.
Eloi will tell Adam of a northern land with a queen that still resists the Tyrann. Monk will tell Adam that his father's body must be put to rest on the crypts. Return to the Citadel Of Mo.
Citadel Of Mo
Go to the crypts. Monk will leave Adam to meditate. Move back to leave King Gregor in the crypt. Monk will complete the short ceremony. Eve and Eloi will uncover Monk's use of Jabber as a volunteer. Return to Uluru.
Give the Mask Of Death to the Keeper of Traditions. Adam will receive the last object of power, the River That Winds. Go to Shandovra.
Adam will be greeted by a Chorrian. Talk to the Chorrian to learn that Shazia may be found in the north-east part of the valley. Talk to Shazia. Adam will learn that Shazia is his sister and how she came to Shandovra. Talk to Shazia again, and she will offer Adam the Golden Sword in exchange for a citadel.
Find the Mosasaurus in the lake to learn that the Tyranns in this valley fear the River That Winds.

Find the Velociraptors and give them gold and the River That Winds.

Find the Brontosaurs and built a citadel. Shazia will give Adam the Golden Sword of Mashaar. Eloi will tell Adam that the valley is being overrun by Tyrann. Monk will tell Adam that the Velociraptors have not been able to defeat the Tyrann in this valley. Return to the Embalmers.
Show Marinda the Golden Sword. She will give Adam three weapons, the Rolling Thunder (horn), Chant Of Bells (bell), and the Angry Gods (drum). Give the drum to Thugg, the bell to the Monk, and leave the horn with Adam. Return to Shandovra.
Find the Tyrann. Use the horn on Adam. The Tyranns will flee. Shazia will give Adam a tablet. Find the Tyrann again and force them to flee with the horn at least three times to banish them completely from the valley. Adam will be congratulated by everyone in his party when this is completed. Shazia will tell Adam that he must learn about the way of the Golden Sword in Mo. Return to the Citadel of Mo.
Citadel of Mo
Go to the throne room. Talk with Shazia. She will tell Adam to look at the fresco of Moorkus Rex behind the throne. Use the Golden Sword on the fresco of Moorkus Rex. A secret door will open. Enter the passage.
Talk to Shazia multiple times to move through the maze until the last room is reached. Adam will enter a room with the Egg of Destiny. Eloi will tell Adam about the Egg. Take the Egg and give it to Eloi to clear his family's name. Move back to re-enter the maze. Talk to Shazia multiple times to get directions back to the throne room.

Leave the citadel through the main gate and fly to the White Arch.
White Arch
Eloi will leave to take the egg to the pterodactyls. Wait for him to return. Eloi will give Adam a tablet and tell Adam information about the Valley Of Mists and the Root Of Ages. Return to Cantura.
Talk to Dina to obtain the deadly Root of Ages. Return to the White Arch.
White Arch
Use the Root of Ages on Adam to travel to the Valley Of Mists.
Move forward to find the Ancestor of all Dinosaurs. Talk to him and give him a tablet. Adam will learn the origin of the tablets. The Ancestor of all Dinosaurs will allow Adam to return to the living. Move back to return to regain consciousness.

Shazia will tell Adam how to reach Moorkus' Lair. Go to the Moorkus' Lair.
Moorkus' Lair
Move to the right to reach the entrance of the lair after each of Adam's companions speaks. Once inside the lair, move to the right and take the final side of the Cube. Return to the entrance to the lair.
Move forward to confront Moorkus Rex. Select Moorkus Rex with the Cube and his illusion will disappear.

Mungo will be reunited with Adam. Move back to leave the cave.

Eloi will tell Adam that he has the honor to break the shell of the Egg of Destiny to learn the future of all Dinosaurs. Mungo will leave to see Dina in Cantura.

The remaining companions will return to the White Arch.
White Arch
Select the Egg to break it. Eloi will explain why the Egg is empty and the game will end.

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