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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Legend Of Kyrandia 2: The Hand Of Fate

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Game Name : Legend Of Kyrandia 2: The Hand Of Fate
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-11 23:59:46
Views : 15649

Walkthrough :

Click on bottom of shelves
Put bottle in inventory
Click under carpet
Put bottle in inventory
Leave house
Take blueberries
Go right
Look in stump
Go up twice
Take piece of gnarlybark coming out of the ground
Take onion
Go up
Talk to ferryman
Go left
take feather from birds nest
Go up
Pour water on fireberry bush
Take fireberries
Go into shack
Talk to Herb
Take bag of fertelizer
Take bottle
Take stool
Leave shack
Go down
Go left
Push tree over
Take skeleton key
Go left
Look in tree
Use feather on alligator
Click bottle on reptile tears
Go left
Take sulfur rock
Fill one bottle with boiling water
Make swampsnake potion
(note: toadstool=frogstool, gnarlybark=windy woof,
smell of eggs=sulfur rock)
Go back to ferry
Go right
Talk to fisherman
Go right
Talk to Marco
Go down
Use blueberries on fireflies and write down sequence of colors
Go up
Go in cave
Use swampsnake potion on rat
Go right
Click order of bug color combo on skull teeth
Use skeleton key on treasure chest
Get cheese and alchemists magnet
Go back to fisherman
Give fisherman the cheese
Go to small dock in front of house
Take anchor
Go back to ferryman
Talk to dragon
Find letters at your house, fly tree, quicksand room,
and sulphur springs
Saving Marco is optional (to save him put fertilizer in plant mouth)
Give letters to dragon
Get ride out


Click on bale of hay
Get stalk of wheat
Go down
Talk to Farmer Greenberry
Give him his letter
Take vinegar
Go left
Pull stick out of gears
Open valve
Go right twice
Water vegetables
Take ONE head of lettuce and ONE radish
Take alchemist magnet
Go left
Take bowl from dragon
Go left
Grind up radish in smashing machine
Scoop up radish using dragon bowl
Click vinegar on radish
Go right
Go up (and down) until ghost appears
Click empty bottle on ghost
Bring ghost-in-a-bottle to vegetable garden
Click ghost on scarecrow
Go left
Go in cellar
Take scissors
Take one of each horseshoe
Leave cellar
Go up
Click bottle on sheep
Go back in cellar
Pour milk in cheese machine
Push on lever
Take cheese
Put lettuce, cheese, and mustard in cauldron
Leave cellar
Go left
Grind wheat and collect
Put wheat in cauldron
Get one sandwitch potion
Click horseshoes on you to find the on that says "Where are the horses?"
Click that horseshoe on electric part of the machine
Go right, up, and right
Click bottle on yourself to get sanwitch out of bottle
Pick bottle up
Click sandwitch on ground
Go inside village


Pull stick out of fountain
Go up
Use scissors on doors
Go inside
Click on barrel to get taffy
Try to leave
After the pirate, recite a poem
Leave and come back in
Click on the pirates until one of them loses a tooth
Click the alchemist magnet on the tooth (turn it to lead)
Pick up the lead tooth
Turn the tooth back in to gold
Take out the horseshoe that is not a magnet and place it somewhere
Gamble with the octopus
Pick any shell (it will always be right)
Do this twice to get 3 gold teeth
Pick up your magnet
Go back to strange machine near the Farmer Greenberry's house
Put the teeth under the pounder to get 3 gold coins
Give back the bowl to the dragon and take it back
Collect the dragon tears
Go back to the village
Go right
Pick up orange peel, bottle, and page of book
Click book page on spell book
Put taffy in bowl
Put orange peel in bowl
You have made sweet and sour sauce
Go right
Take some mud and click it on rabbit foot
Flush cauldron
Make skeptic serum
Collect two flasks of skeptic serum
Go up
Click stick on rope
Go right
Put both skeptic serum's on Altar of Doubt
Go left
Click stick on rope
Go left until you are at fountain
Go inside travel center
Give skeptic potion to man
Buy ticket for three gold coins
Go right

If you want to save Marco, read on:
Get another skeptic serum and turn it into a skeptic potion
Use magnet on shiney thing in water
Pick magnet up
Give skeptic potion to gaurd
Go inside
Use key on lock
Get trapped
Click on pillow until you unravel it
Get hook from Marco
Use string/hook on key
Use string/hook on window
Unlock yourself and Marco

Go down
Give last skeptic potion to captain
Give him your ticket (make sure you still have magnet with you)
Get on ship
Place magnet into ring of ropes by the steering wheel
Get thrown off ship


Go around island and collect 2 large rocks and 1 stick
Find large air vent and jump in
Pick up stick and alchemist magnet
Go across bridge
Click on palm tree to get fuzz
Go up
Pick up heart shaped lead (not heart shaped box)
Click alchemist magnet on lead
Now you have a heart of gold
Click stick on dinosaur
Click stick on dinosaur again (this time you will not throw it)
Click cursor on air vent
Now you have two black beads
Make teddy bear potion
Get teddy bear out of bottle (same as sandwitch)
Go down
Be sure you have teddy bear and stick
Click on T-rex twice
When you get off of T-rex go left
Make sure triceratops is facing the anchor door
Click red piece of cloth on triceratops
Go inside anchor room
After short scene, pick up page and put in book
Now plug up the four small lava vents in the underground with the rocks
They are in the anchor room, the triceratops room, the the bridge room,
and the "dog dinosaur" room
PLug them all up
Go to triceratops room
Stand on surfboard-like structure floating in boiling lava
You will leave Volcania


After you fall, click in hole and get bottle
Take nut from tree
Go left
Click on the mossy rock until it rolls away
Take moss and rolling stone
Pick up sticks lying by dead tree
Go right
Place sticks near large flint rock
Click rolling stone on sticks
Take the charcoal
Go left
Make regular snowman potion
Click potion on armored gaurd
Take bottle back
Take nut hidden in miniature castle
Go left
Take nut next to statue
You should have three nuts
Click alchemists magnet on statue
Take drum and jack out of treasure chest
Put jack on ground in front of hopping foot
Go right twice
Place drum on small stump
Go right
Talk to squirrel
Give him the three nuts
Place rolling stone in rotating wheel
Get in a cart
Take feather duster
Go inside cabin
Take bottle off of shelf
Take one cannon ball
Click on moose head to get musk
Click alchemist magnet on cannon ball to make it gold
Give gold cannon ball to lady
Take the babies lolly pop
Make abominable snowman potion
Click potion on yourself
Go back in cabin
Let real abominable snowman take you
Wake up
Take feathers from pillow
Take box of candy
Click around in bottles on shelf until you find one for you
Take cologne
Go outside (up)
Take ONE icesickle (for use as snow)
Make abominable snowman potion but don't use it yet!!!
Take two maore icesickles and click one on the side of the mountain
Let abominable snowman take you again
Go back outside
When climbers are done clibming, click potion on them
The abominable snowman with take them instead
Now try to climb up again
Go right
Go inside of alchemists room
Make potions in order of colors to put in small jars
Make potions with colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo
Put these potions (in order) into the small jars
It will form a rainbow leading outside
Leave the alchemists room
Take one of the icesickles hanging on the room
Climb up to the rainbow
Go right
Fight the hand
Go right again
Use alchemists magnet on bowl reflecting the light
Go inside
Go up/right
This part you must do on your own
To open the locks, you must place each of the disks in each of the
other holes
One will contain a gear, and one will contain your stick
Go down
Go up/left
Go inside gear room
Put gear on missing gear rod
Push gear in using stick
Now the hard part begins
When the hand enters the scene, click the cursor on the machines to
your left
When he charges at you again, click on the broken stick
Now click on the hand
Then Marco will free himself and you will push the hand overboard
You have beaten The Hand of Fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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