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Game Name : Europa Universalis 2
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 07:15:54
Views : 12293

Cheat :
Cheat mode:
Press [F12] during game play, enter one of the following codes at the console window and press [Enter]. Press [Ctrl] + [F12] to close the console window and activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Toggle revolts: alba
Toggle John Calvin mode: calvin
Explore all provinces; cannot be deactivated: columbus
Toggle natives: cortez
Increase infrastructure level: cromwell
Additional 10 Merchants: dagama
Trigger indicated event: event
God mode: difrules
Increase naval technology level: drake
Increase land technology level: gustavus
Additional 6 Missionaries: loyola
Toggle Reformation mode: luther
Additional 50,000 Ducats to treasury: montezuma
No pause during events: ney
Set stability to +3: oranje
Toggle fog of war: pappenheim
Additional 10 Colonists: pocahontas
Increase trade level: polo
Toggle control of all military units: richelieu
Change domestic policy freely: robespierre
More cannon fodders: russianhordes
Additional 10,000 population to capital province: swift
Toggle ability of CPU to declare war: tilly
Toggle Treaty of Tordesillas mode: tordesillas
Toggle Council of Trent mode: trent
Additional 10 Diplomats: vatican
Toggle province status review: wallenstein

Event numbers:
Use one of the following entries with the event code. Note: Some events can only happen at certain points in the game. Activating some events outside of their normal occurrence may glitch the game.

Effect Number
Reformation 100
Jean Calvin 101
Council of Trent 102
Edict of Tolerance 103
Treaty of Tordesillas 110
English Pirates 1000
One Province revolts unprovoked 1001
Religious turmoil; one revolt 1002
Conversion of heretics; changes religion in one province 1003
Gift to the state; +200 gold 1004
Temporary insanity of monarch; ADM, DIP, MIL set to 2 for 12 months 1005
Excellent minister; ADM, DIP, MIL set to 9 for 12 months 1006
Scandal at Court 1007
Wave of Obscurantism; +3 revolt risk 1008
Exceptional year; -5 inflation, +100 gold 1009
Rush of colonists; +3 colonists 1010
Diplomatic move; +50 relation, +1 diplomat 1011
Great reputation; +10 relation with 7 countries 1012
Colonial Dynamism 1013
Colonial Dynamism; +1 conquistador, +3 colonists 1013
Unexpected invention; +1 manufacturing 1014
Rush of Merchants 1015
Plague; -5000 people in province 1016
Reformation of army; +250 land tech 1017
Reformation of navy; +250 naval tech 1018
Enthusiasm for army; +5000 troops 1019
Enthusiasm for navy ; +5 warships 1020
Agricultural Revolution 1021
Devastating fire; -1 manufactory 1022
Good government policies; +1 stability, +250 infrastructure and trade tech 1023
Poor government policies; -1 stability, -250 infrastructure and trade tech 1024
Unhappiness with Clergy 1025
Unhappiness among Artisans 1026
Unhappiness among Peasants 1027
Unhappiness among Merchants 1028
Valuable mineral 1029
Political Crisis 1030
Corruption 1031
Deflation 1032
Diplomatic Insult 1033
Fortification effort; +1 fort to province 1034
Creation of bank; -5 inflation, +200 gold 1035
Creation of stock exchange; -2 inflation, +100 gold, +500 infrastructure tech 1036
Creation of company of trade; +2 merchants, +500 trade tech 1037
Colonial uprising; 1 colony rebels 1038
Heretic Uprising 1039
Explorer; +1 explorer, +0 colonists 1040
Conquistador; +1 conquistador, +0 colonists 1041
Nobles (-2 stab) 1042
Trading Company Disaster 1043
Internal Trade 1044
Meteor Sighted 1045
Fire Ordinance 1046
Saint performs miracle; +1 stability, -3 revolt risk 1047
Medical 1048
Noble Feud 1049
Nobles ally with foreign power; -2 stability, casus belli (nation) 1050
Assassination of noble 1051
Cessation of Church Functions to Nobility 1052
Sale of Offices 1053
Monopoly company formed 1054
Nobles demand increased pensions 1055
Grant export licenses 1056
New land claimed 1057
Establish cantonments 1058
Nobles demand old rights 1059
Cities demand old rights 1060
Non-enforcemnts of Ordinances 1061
Bourgeoisie request privileges 1062
Italian Engineer available 1063
Foreign drill instructor; -250 gold, +1 offensive doc, +1 quality / -1 victory points 1064
Build a Great Palace 1065
Indulgence Peddler 1066
Uncooperative Philosopher 1067
Regional Heresy 1068
Boundary Dispute 1069
Merchants Harassed 1070
Regional population boom; +2 colonists / +2000 population 1071
Petition for redress; -4 stability, +1 centralization/-1 stability, -1 tax, revolt (province) 1072
Noble family requests aid 1073
Support for dissidents abroad 1074
Foreign trade competition rises; +1 mercantilism / -1 merc 1075
Exceptional Court Painter available 1076
Catholic influence in Africa 1077
Christian influence in South Africa 1078
Mali returns to paganism 1079
Moslem influence in Africa 1080
Moslem influence in Nubia 1081
Catholic influence in America; +1 stab / convert to catholic and 4 colonies 1082
Protestant influence in America 1083
Moslem influence in south-east Asia 1084
Newton pulishes Principia Mathematica; +200 to land, naval, infa, and trade tech. 1500
Newton Pulishes Optica; +250 to land amd naval tech. 1501
Hungarian vampire; -1 stability, -1 innovativeness 1503
Gerard Mercator de Kremer; +500 to naval tech 1506
All Life Is Holy; -2 stability 1508
The Lollard Hersey; +3 revolt risk, -2 stab, -50g/-100 to 2 countries 3001
War of the Roses; +1 artist, serf, -1 central, land, -3 stab 3002
Bosworth Field; +3 stab, central, -3 serf, merc, -5 artist 3003
End of the 100 Yrs War; +1 stab, +150 relations with France 3004
Justices of Peace; +1 cent, +6 tax collectors, +1 stab, -200g +1 serf, arist, +2 stab, +100g 3005
Support Middle-class Bureaucrats; +1 innov, -1 arist, merc, land, stab -1 innov, +1 arist, serf, stab, +2 land, +100g 3006
Court of the Star Chamber; +2 cent, innov, +1 stab, +3 revolt risk +2 artist, +1 stab, -1 cent, innov 3007
The Enclosure Movement; -3 stab, +1 revolt risk/-1 central, -2 serf, +1 stab 3008

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