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Game Name : Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-03-07 00:12:38
Views : 28137

Invincibility for Katarina
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press X, Circle, L3, Triangle, R3, Select, R3, L1, L2, Square.

Invincibility for Wind Dancer
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press Select, Triangle, L1, X, R3, L2, Square, R3, Circle, L3.

Infinite items on pick-up
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press Triangle, L1, Select, L2, R3, L3, Square, X, R3, Circle. All items will have an unlitmited supply once you find them the first time.

Infinite wind boost
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press Select, L1, R3, Square, L3, Circle, L2, Triangle, X, L3.

Reveal all treasure chests
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press R3, X, Triangle, L3, Circle, L1, Select, L3, Square, L2.

Reveal all buried treasure chests
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press Circle, X, Square, Triangle, L1, Select, L3, L2, L3, R3. Green Xs will appear on the captain's log maps to indicate the location of buried treasure chests.

Have all treasure chest keys
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press Circle, Select, X, Square, R3, L1, L3, L2, Triangle, L3.

Wind Dancer Galleon upgrade
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press L2, Triangle, R3, L3, X, Square, R3, Select, L1, Circle. When uoi sail into another map, you will have the Galleon.

Sword select
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press R3, Select, L2, L3, Square, X, L1, Circle, L3, Triangle. Each time the code is entered, it will give Katarina her next available sword.

Extra gold
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press Triangle, R3, L1, Square, X, R3, Select, L3, Circle, L2.

Funny voices
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press R3, Circle, Select, X, R3, Triangle, L1, Square, L2, L3.

SSX music
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press L1, X, Triangle, L2, Square, Circle, L3, Select, R3, L3. When you slide down the slope now in Glacial Gulf, you will hear music from SSX.

Kane poison head
While playing a game, hold R1 + R2 and press Triangle, L2, L1, Square, L3, X, L3, Circle, R3, Select. The poison status will now be indicated by the head of Kane from Command and Conquer.

Valkyrie cheer
Save the game, then intentionally allow the Valkyrie to kill Katarina without the Valkyrie getting any damage during the battle.

Alternate Katarina costumes
Note: The following code requires two players and controllers. At the main menu, simultaneously hold L1 + L2 + Up + Select + L3 on controller one and R1 + R2 + Triangle + Start + R3 on controller two. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a short sequence of music. Press R3 on controller one to change the value of the numbers that appear on screen, then start a new game or resume a saved game to view the corresponding costume.

Result Code
Original outfit and hair color 0000:0000
Blackbeard in purple 0000:0001
Red hair with red and orange bikini 0000:0010
Blue hair with orange and red bikini 0000:0011
Tan, brown hair, orange and yellow bikini 0000:0100
Blonde hair, orange and yellow bikini 0000:0101
Blonde hair, pink bikini 0000:0110
Blue hair, shiny silver bikini 0000:0111
Red hair, black bikini, black stockings 0000:1000
Pink hair, shiny black body suit 0000:1001
Blue hair, shiny copper body suit 0000:1010
Purple hair, shiny silver body suit 0000:1011

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