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Game Name : NBA Street
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-02-01 23:58:05
Views : 39018

All courts
At the court selection screen in hold the court mode, hold R2 and press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up, then while holding Up press X to unlock all courts.

Big (SSX Snowboarders) team
At the "Enter User ID" screen, go to the user record box (will either display a user ID's record information, or "No User Record"), hold L2 and quickly press Up, Down(2), Left, X. Alternatively, get 10 wins in any mode to unlock the Big (SSX Snowboarders) team.

3LW team
At the "Enter User ID" screen, go to the user record box (will either display a user ID's record information, or "No User Record"), hold R1 and quickly press Left(2), Right, Down, X. Alternatively, get 20 wins in any mode to unlock the 3LW team.

NYC Legends team
At the "Enter User ID" screen, go to the user record box (will either display a user ID's record information, or "No User Record"), hold L2 and quickly press Down(3), Left, X. Alternatively, get 30 wins in any mode to unlock the NYC Legends team.

Street Legends team
At the "Enter User ID" screen, go to the user record box (will either display a user ID's record information, or "No User Record"), hold R1 and quickly press Right, Left, Up, Down, X. Alternatively, win the City Circuit tournament to unlock the Street Legends team. This team includes Biggs, Bonafide, Drake, DJ, Takashi, Stretch, and Michael Jordan.

Dream Team
At the "Enter User ID" screen, go to the user record box (will either display a user ID's record information, or "No User Record"), hold R2 and quickly press Up(2), Right(2), X. Alternatively, win hold the court mode to unlock a team that includes Graylien Alien, Magma Man, and Yeti Snowman.

NBA superstars
Play the City Challenge and defeat an NBA team to unlock a players from their roster.

Biggs and Beacon Hill court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 1 City Challenge. Defeat Biggs' team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Beacon Hill court.

Bonafide and Broad Street court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 2 City Challenge. Defeat Bonafide's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Broad Street court.

Drake and The Yard court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 3 City Challenge. Defeat Drake's team to unlock him as a selectable player and The Yard court.

DJ and Venice Beach court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 4 City Challenge. Defeat DJ's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Venice Beach court.

Takashi and Yakatomni Plaza court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 5 City Challenge. Defeat Takashi's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Yakatomni Plaza court.

Stretch and Rucker Park court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 2 City Challenge. Defeat Stretch's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Rucker Park court.

Easy basket
To get an easy basket, pump fake, and the CPU should jump. While he is jumping, drive in for a dunk.

Cheat Codes
At the versus screen, press Square, Triangle, Circle, and X to change the icons in that order on the bottom of the screen. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad in any direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3-4, press Square, Triangle(2), Circle(3), X(4). Note: More then one code may be activated per game.

Result Code
Infinite juice 2-0-3-0
No juice 1-4-4-3
Mega dunking 3-0-1-0
No dunks 3-0-1-2
More gamebreakers 1-4-3-2
Less gamebreakers 1-3-4-2
No gamebreakers 1-4-4-2
Springtime Joe "The Show" 1-1-0-1
Summertime Joe "The Show" 1-0-0-1
Athletic Joe "The Show" 1-2-0-1
Ultimate power 3-1-1-0
Mad handles 3-2-1-0
Super swats 3-3-1-0
Easy shots 2-1-3-0
Big heads 4-1-2-1
Tiny heads 4-2-4-2
Tiny players 4-0-4-0
Sticky fingers 3-4-1-0
Less blocks 3-1-2-3
Less steals 3-1-4-0
No alley-oops 3-4-1-2
No 2-pointers 3-3-0-3
No player indicators 4-0-0-4
No shot indicator 4-3-2-4
No shot clock 4-4-0-3
ABA ball 0-1-1-0
Beach ball 0-1-1-2
EA Big ball 0-1-4-0
Medicine ball 0-1-1-3
NuFX ball 0-1-3-0
Soccer ball 0-2-1-0
Volley ball 0-1-1-4
WNBA ball 0-1-2-0
Authentic uniforms 0-0-1-1
Casual uniforms 1-1-0-0
ABA socks 4-4-4-4
Explosive rims 1-2-4-0
Captain quicks 3-0-2-1
Harder distance shots 2-2-3-0
Player names 0-1-2-3
No auto replays 1-2-1-1
No HUD display 1-4-1-2
No cheats 1-1-1-1

Advanced trick moves
There are also four basic trick moves that are not listed below that can be performed by pressing one of the turbo buttons and Square:

Backtrack: Hold L2 + R2, then press Square.
Breaking You Off: Hold R1 + R2 + L2, then press Square.
Change Up: Hold L1 + R2, then press Square.
Cyclone: Hold L1 + L2 + R1, then press Square.
Double Cross: Hold L1 + L2 + R1, then press Square.
Downshift: Hold L2 + R1, then press Square.
Off the Chain: Hold L1 + R1, then press Square.
Slip 'n' Slide: Hold L2 + R1 + R2, then press Square.
Streetwise: Hold L1 + L2, then press Square.

Advanced trick dunks
There are also four basic trick dunks that are not listed below that can be performed by pressing one of the turbo buttons and Circle:

Around The World: Hold R1 + R2 + L1, then press Circle.
Backbreaker: Hold L2 + R2, then press Circle.
Dinner's Served: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, then press Circle when heading straight towards the hoop while inside the freethrow line.
Dominator: Hold L1 + L2, then press Circle.
Dunkalicious: Hold L2 + L1 + R2, then press Circle.
Groundshaker: Hold R1 + R2, then press Circle.
Hammerdown: Hold R1 + L1, then press Circle.
Highrise: Hold R2 + L1, then press Circle.
Put It Home: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, then press Circle while close to the hoop and not moving.
Special Delivery: Hold L2 + L1 + R1, then press Circle.
Superfly: Hold L2 + R1 + R2, then press Circle.
Wake Up Call: Hold L2 + R1, then press Circle.

Random tricks
To perform these tricks, hold any of the turbo buttons, then press Square:

Check Yo Bags
Double Take
Fro Fake
Left Behind
Left Ya
Off the Hook
Roll On
Top Spin
Two Time
Wrap Around
Random dunks

To perform these dunks, hold any of the turbo buttons, then press Circle:

Air Patrol
All That
Air Raid
Around The Way
Counter Strike
Direct Flight
Honey Dip
Jam City
Look Out Below
Mamma Jamma
Rapid Rise
Rise Up

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