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Game Name : Yoshis Story
System : Nintendo 64
Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:54:59
Views : 30804

Cheat :
Adjust stage select display:
Press C-Left or C-Right to turn the display, or press R or Z to adjust the zoom.

Select Yoshi's color in practice mode:
Select any course under "Trial" mode. Select the desired Yoshi and press Start, then press Start + Z. Press B and being practice mode with that color Yoshi.

Mario Paint theme song:
Enter the "Time Trial" menu and listed to the game theme eight times.

Press Z + L + A + B.

Restore Yoshi:
Locate and get a white Shy Guy. Complete the current level and enter the character selection screen for the next level. Select the Shy Guy to restore one of the dead Yoshis. Note: If no Yoshis have been lost, the white Shy Guy will not appear.

Special message:
Collect six melons in a row during a mini-game to get a heart fruit. Eat the fruit to create a letter made from coins at the end of the mini-game. If you use the letters in the order of appearance by level, they spell the following phrase: "YOU ARE YOSHI'S GREAT PARTNER".

Shrink in "Piranha Groove" (level 4-4). Hit an egg block while shrunk to create a very small egg. Take it while still shrunk. The egg will remain small as you return to normal size. Note: The mini-egg is still as powerful as the full-size version.

Egg restore:
If Yoshi is low on eggs, is not next to a egg block, and super happy, prepare to fire an egg but cancel that action. Yoshi will put the egg into the inventory and allowing it to be kept.

Walk on lava:
Begin game play on "Blarg's Pit" (level 2-2) and reach the first heart. Jump on Blarg's head, get the heart, and try to aim back for Blarg. In doing so you will get hit and lose a life, but the petals will not fall off. You will land underneath the lava and can walk around.

Black Yoshi:

Level 2-1:
When approaching Miss Warp 4 from right, go left, eat flower, and shoot to the very top.

Level 2-3:
Go through the level until finding the Help Box that offers hints about a "big egg". Go to the left from this location and jump on the last floating rock. Then, jump on the floating rock above that, and shoot the "?" bubble with an egg to receive the black egg. Complete the level for the black Yoshi.

Level 2-4:
All the way to the right in the vine room.

White Yoshi:

Egg 1:
(Level 3-2) In leaf room, drop to bottom at the very beginning for the egg.

Egg 2:
(Level 3-3) After Miss Warp 3, go to the top vases. Enter the tall red pipe to find it. Note: you must beat Cloudjin at the end of the level without losing Yoshi.

White Shyguy locations:

Level 1-1:
Get to the second part with Poochy. Go straight on the first two splits in the roads. Go up on the third one. shoot the "?" ball and a Shyguy will appear.

Level 1-2:
Go the second part and find 4 white and blue moving platforms. The "?" box there contains the Shyguy.

Level 1-3:
Get to the third part and shoot the flying "?" ball. The Shyguy will appear.

Level 1-4:
Get to the top of the building and get the umbrella. Float down on the right of the building. Find the cannon that shoots straight up with two blue blocks underneath. Destroy them and walk in to find a third blue block holding the Shyguy.

Level 2-1:
Get to the second area and fall down past the "?" balls. Hit the blue blocks to the right and get to the other side of them. Get on top of the three blocks near them but not touching them. Hit the very bottom one and a Shyguy will appear.

Level 2-2:
Enter the blue tunnel after the second ball ride. There should be a red "?" ball floating in the sky. It contains the Shyguy.

Level 2-3:
Look for Poochy and sniff in his spot. When Yoshi waves his hands, pound the ground to release blue and white platforms. Climb up them to find a tunnel. Look for three blue blocks on the right guarding a heart. One of the blocks contains the Shyguy.

Level 2-4:
Look for a sign that points off the screen. There should be a blue box at this location. Walk off the screen and Yoshi will come out of a pipe. Hit the red "?" ball on the right to reveal a "!" ball. Use the ball to jump over the wall. Hit the next "?" ball for the Shyguy.

Level 3-1:
Ride the big green dragon until you find a "!" switch. Hit it with an egg to reveal clouds. Go up into the clouds to get to the tunnel. Find Miss Warp 3, four eggs, a switch card, and a "?" ball. The "?" ball will contain Shyguy.

Level 3-2:
Look for a banana and a melon separated with a platform. The melon should be near a Turbo Tulip. Go to the far right with your back against the wall. Eat the Tulip and launch yourself up to the first section by pressing B when Yoshi arrives there. Hit the "?" ball and the Shyguy will appear.

Level 3-3:
In the section with Miss Warp 3, go directly to the bottom pot. Approach the first big blue "?" box and smash it to release the white Shyguy.

Level 3-4:
Go to the second part and locate the boomerang birds. Jump over the pit and look for blue blocks. The Shyguy is in one of them.

Level 5-3:
After you pass the rain clouds you will see a "?" mark nearby, to the right. Pop the bubble and the Shyguy will appear.

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