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Cheat : Double the Poke''mon: This cheat gives you 1 more of every poke''mon you have. To enter: C-Left, C-Right, A, B, B, Right, Right, A and L, R Have all Pokemon Pictures in One Shot!: While taking a picture of a pokemon hold down A, B, R, Z, and then press all the C buttons. Freeze Pokemon: This is hard to do but when you see a pokemon throw a pester ball right at it. The pokemon will be stunned for a while, so you can get right up to it an get a good picture Get Pikachu on a Voltorb: First go to the tunnel level and take a pic of Pikachu and he will move take another pic of him and he will move again and wait and he will get on the Voltorb. Get charizaed & other rare pokemon: 1.Charizard-knock the charmeleon in the mini-lava pool with a pester ball 2.Victrebell-do the same thing as #1 but to the weepinbell jumping around the cave pool 3.Singing jiggly puffs-hit the 3 koffings chasing the 3 jiggly puffs in the cave to see the ''puffs sing near the end NOTE:don''t play flute when watching them sing. 4.Regular colored Porygon-in the river/jungle level look for the tip of the porygon''s mouth against a hill. Then throw a pester ball at it. If he pops out hit him 2-3 times with an apple to see him change to his true colors:pink n blue. 5.Dancing Gravelers and a SandSLASH-to get sandslash knock the two geodudes down that have the graveler over them.If they are both down a sandslash pops up and a graveler jumps down Further down the river when you almost stop and a staryu is flying around play the pokeflute and turn left to see 3 dancing gravelers. 6.Stumped, surfer, and rolling pikachu ...1.stumped-in the first thick grass in the beach level keep throwing pester balls untill you see Scyther pop out, move around, then fly away. Then watch 2 pikachus hop on the 2 stumps.Play pokeflute then take a picture while they shock the ground for MONDO points. ...2.surfer-in the beach level throw apples in front of the pikachu so you lead him to the surfboard, he jumps on so SNAP HIM! ...3.roller-in the tunnel take a picture of the first pikachu to make him move, quickly do it again and he''ll hop on the rolling electrode...SNAP HIM...then watch the electrode explode and pikachu die 7.Fighting magmars-throw an apple between the two magmars near the end of the volcano to make them fight...HOT SHOT!! Evolve Charmeleon to Charizard: First go to the volcano level then find charmeleon.After that wait till it`s blocking your way the through an apple at it and it will fall into the lava and evolve into charizard.Oh by the way if you want charizard to throw fire just throw an apple at it. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Pokemon Snap cheat codes. Don't like Game Score? Why not try viewing these cheat codes at one of these great cheat code sites: Pokemon Snap Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad Pokemon Snap Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats Pokemon Snap Cheats at A Cheat Codes Pokemon Snap Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch |