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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Castlevania : Symphony Of The Night

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Game Name : Castlevania : Symphony Of The Night
System : PSP
Date Added : 2008-04-02 00:10:24
Views : 13857

Begin the game with 99 luck
Beat the game and begin a new file with the name X-X!V''Q

Bad Ending
Defeat Richter, while wearing the glasses Maria gave you.

Hidden items under Librarian's chair
Once you acquire the gravity boots, go to the area beneath the Librarian's room. Stand under the hole in the ceiling and use the gravity boots to knock his chair up into the air. The first time you do this, you'll get a Life Max Up pot. After that you have a random chance to get one of three other items: Dracula's Tunic, Axelord Armor, and a Rind of Arcana. The order in which you get them is random, as is the chance of getting any item at all. To greatly improve your chances, use the boots to repeatedly knock his chair up without touching the ground or making him hit the ceiling.

Good Ending
In the battle with Richter, wear the glasses Maria gave you and defeat the green specter. After completing both castles with a percentage below 150, defeat the final boss.

Secret Area
You must be playing as Richter for this to work. Begin a new game. Once you gain control of Richter (which is when he walks through the front gate) turn around and do a ground slide (hold down and hit X). If you were fast enough, you should have slid behind the gate before it completely closed. Go left and you will be outside the castle. go further and the drawbridge will close, but ou will still be able to go further. Keep heading left. You will walk on an extremely large path on the groud until you reach the forest. You will see Richter walking through it like Alucard in the beggining of the game. You then see Richter jump over the closing drawbridge and say "Holy Cross". You are now behind the gate again. NOTE: If you go to the secret area, you will not be able to get in the castle.

Begin game with Axe Lord Armor
Beat the game and begin a new file with the name AXEARMOR

Play as Maria Renard
After you complete the game, create a new save file and input the name MARIA

Best Ending
In the battle with Richter, wear the glasses Maria gave you and defeat the green specter. After completing both castles with a percentage of at least 196, defeat the final boss.

Music Test
Beat the game with having of 190% map completion. Start a new game and you will be able to listen listen to all the music in Librarian buy/sell window

Worst Ending
Defeat Richter, but don't wear the glasses Maria gave you.

Play as Richter Belmont
Beat the game once, then start a new file and name it RICHTER.

A Message from Alucard and a Hidden Song
Place the Castlevania: SotN CD-ROM into your CD Player (or use the player built into your Playstation). Listen to track 2; Alucard will explain what track 1 is, and an extra song will be played.

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