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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mega Man Star Force 2 : Zerker x Saurian

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Game Name : Mega Man Star Force 2 : Zerker x Saurian
System : Nintendo DS
Date Added : 2008-04-19 06:11:43
Views : 20344

Alternate ending
Successfully complete the game with all achievement icons. You will have a message from Solo asking that you level up the four In-Game Brothers. Do their side quests to level them up, then complete the game. An alternate sequence will appear after the credits, ending with a battle against BuraiSX.

Achievement icons
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding icon on the menu with the "New Game" and "Continue options". Earn all the icons to unlock an alternate title screen.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
G Comp StarCollect all 5 Giga Class Cards.
M Comp StarCollect all 42 Mega Class Cards.
Mu Continent StarDefeat RaMu Xa.
OoPart StarDefeat ApollonFlame.
Rockman StarComplete the main story line.
S Comp StarCollect all 150 Standard Class Cards.

Auto Forms
Go to mega's menu and press select then you'll see a blank screen press the correct blank spots which is coded in letters below.The ones I'm gonna do are the form codes.After you transform into one of them you automatically turn into that form you used at the start of the battle but if you want to turn back into normal MegaMan you have to reset your game.

[A] [E] [I] [M] [Q]
[B] [F] [J] [N] [R]
[C] [G] [K] [O] [S]
[D] [H] [L] [P] [T]
QRICAEBecome ninja at the start of the battle
SLNDPCBecome Rouge with many boosts at start of battle
IMFCGOBecome Saurian at start of battle
ICGOSLBecome Tribe King at start of battle
NIFCDGBecome Zerker at start at start of battle

Connection bonuses
Have one of the following Game Boy Advance games in the cartridge slot with a saved game to unlock the EXE Blaster special War Rock weapon.

Battle Network Rockman EXE
Battle Network Rockman EXE 2
Battle Network Rockman EXE 3
Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 Black
Rockman EXE Battle Chip GP
Rockman EXE 4: Tournament Red Sun
Rockman EXE 4: Tournament Blue Moon
Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation
Rockman EXE 5: Team Of Blues
Rockman EXE 5: Team Of Colonel
Rockman EXE 6: Cyber Beast Greiga
Rockman EXE 6: Cyber Beast Falzer

You will get a message from Goyouda Heiji, who will ask you to get data (which are diary entries), from the following radio networks.

1/XX: Kodama Town; Post Box Radio Network
3/XX: TK Tower 1; Old Binocular Radio Network (inspect during OphiuchusQueen scenario)
7/XX: Food Town; Forgotten Ice Statue Radio Network
9/XX: Donbura Lake Area 1; Sunken Ship Radio Network (after CondorGeograph Scenario)
11/XX: Nansca; Lower Wall Radio Network (after CondorGeograph Scenario)

After getting all the data, you will get a message with the EXE Blaster.

Alternate final Boss
Unlock all the achievement icons. Play through the game again to fight the Xa version of the final Boss.

Blank Card Wave Command
Open the Wave Command Editor of a Blank card, input the codes below and the Blank cards will becomes the battle cards.

RFTELQAll Poison
RFTEPQAqua +30
GEMRQFCount Bomb
MBHLPADestroy Upper
TEQPFRElec +30
QFRPTEFire +30
RFTELQGet All Poison
RFTEPQGet Aqua + 30
TAMPBNGet Burai Sword
RGSHPAGet Burai Sword EX
SGPAHRGet Burai Sword SP
GEMRQFGet Count Bomb
QFRGSEGet Crown Thunder
RFSEGQGet Crown Thunder EX
SEQGFRGet Crown Thunder SP
PARHGSGet Cygnus Wing
CGSHPAGet Cygnus Wing EX
SGPAHCGet Cygnus Wing SP
MBHLPAGet Destroy Hook

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