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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles

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Game Name : Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-11-14 08:47:15
Views : 17864

Defeating the Giant Worm
He will be moving left and right at the beginning, however this is just to confuse you on which side he will be attacking from. His weak point is in his mouth. You should be using the assault shotgun, Magnum, rocket launcher, or MRL. He will go underground a few times to attack you. Dodge this attack. When he comes back up, Carlos or Jill will look up into the sky. Shoot the rocks coming down and repeat the process. He will jump into the air a few times. Shoot his mouth to send him flying to the side. You must dodge one of these attacks later. Once his health gets down to half, shoot all four MRL rockets into is mouth. If he lives, finish him off with the assault shotgun. Note: In one of his attacks, he will throw cars at you. One of them will be a bus, which will take out half of your health. Shoot them to make them explode.

Bonus scenarios
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus scenario.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Beginnings 1Beat Train Derailment 3
Beginnings 2Beat Beginnings 1
Dark Legacy 1Complete the Fall Of Umbrella 3 scenario.
Dark Legacy 2Complete the Death's Door scenario
Death's DoorComplete the Racoon's Destruction 3 scenario with an "A" or better rank.
Fourth SurvivorComplete the Dark Legacy 2 scenario.
Nightmare 1Complete the Mansion Incident 1 scenario.
Nightmare 2Complete the Nightmare 1 scenario with an "A" or better rank.
Rebirth 1Beat Mansion Incident 3
Rebirth 2Beat Rebirth 1
The 4th SurvivorBeat Dark Legacy 2

Past Items
To unlock the items from past Resident Evil games, you need to earn an "A" or "S" rank on the respectable chapter.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
BatteryComplete Dark Legacy 2 with "S" rank
Book of Wisdom/Future CompassComplete Raccoon's Destruction 1 with "S" rank
BriefcaseComplete Train Derailment 1 with "S" rank
Chronos KeyComplete Raccoon's Destruction 3 with "S" rank
Death MaskComplete Rebirth 2 with "S" rank
Eagle/Serpent/Jaguar StoneComplete Fourth Survivor with "S" rank
Emblem/Gold EmblemComplete Nightmare 2 with "S" rank
Film A/B/C/DComplete Umbrella's End 1 with "S" rank
Fuel CanteenComplete Mansion Incident 3 with "S" rank
Hex CrankComplete Nightmare 1 with "S" rank
Ink RibbonComplete Umbrella's End 3 with "S" rank
Lighter FluidComplete Raccoon's Destruction 2 with "S" rank
Medium BaseComplete Dark Legacy 1 with "S" rank
Microfilm A/BComplete Beginning 2 with "S" rank
Relief of Discipline/Obedience/UnityComplete Train Derailment 2 with "S" rank
S.T.A.R.S. Card (Brad's)Complete Death's Door with "S" rank
Slide CartridgeComplete Rebirth 1 with "S" rank
Square CrankComplete Umbrella's End 2 with "S" rank
Sterilizing AgentComplete Train Derailment 3 with "S" rank
V-JoltComplete Mansion Incident 2 with "S" rank
Valve HandleComplete Beginning 1 with "S" rank

Play Hunk's Fourth Survivor scenario. Locate the secret room next to the front doors of the police station lobby. Watch for Hunk to look briefly towards the doors that lead to the secret room as he walks past. Quickly shoot the doors to open them. Enter the secret room and get the Handcannon from the desk on the left side.

Cooperative mode
Complete "The Fourth Survivor" sub-mission to unlock Cooperative mode in any mission. You can now select the double pistol icon at the character selection screen to play with two players. Note: Both players will use the same character.

Defeating Nemesis
In order to defeat him, throw everything you have at him. He has no weak point. Make sure you have a Magnum (level 4), assault shotgun (level 4), and MRL (level 4). Use the Magnum first. After you shoot him enough times, he will jump onto the rooftop and run around to a certain spot, where he will shoot his tentacles down the wall and pop up directly in front of you to attack. This cannot be dodged. He will then jump up and attempt to crush you. Dodge this, and repeat the process. When you run out of ammo for the Magnum and assault shotgun, use the MRL. Shoot all eight rockets at him. If he survives, finish him off with the handgun. Note: He can grab you and hold you in the air. This will damage you until you die or shoot him enough times to make him let you go.

Special Stage
Complete all scenarios and sub-scenarios to unlock the Special Stage minigame.

Easy "S" ranks
Use the following trick to get easy "S" rank unlocks. Play Wesker's Mansion Mission (Rebirth). Play the first scenario repeatedly. Once you find all three files, all you need to worry about is time and critical hits. It is also a short mission. Playing it over and over again will not be a chore. Once you get the three files, getting an "S" rank all the time will be easy. The best time to get all your critical hits is after going up the steps. Once the zombies begin moving, aim your crosshair until the red circle blinks, then fire for an instant critical.

Unlimited ammunition
Earn an "S" rank on all scenarios. The message "Unlimited Ammo Deactivated" will appear. This is a glitch, where "Deactivated" was used as a mistranslation for "Unlocked". Ignore the error, and enter the "Customize" menu to purchase the level 5 (unlimited ammo) upgrade.

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