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Game Name : Conan
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2007-10-24 17:29:51
Views : 22069

Cheat mode
Press one of the following codes at the "Unlockables" menu.
Left Analog-stick, press X, click Right Analog-stick, press Y, LB(2), Down(2)Bone Cleaver Variation art
Down, LB, Down, RB, X, LTCave Ape Variation art
Press Y(2), click Left Analog-stick, press X(2), click Right Analog-stick, press Up, DownConan Helmet Study #1 art
Up, LB, Down, RB, X(2), Y(2), click Right Analog-stickConan Helmet Study #2 art
Click Left Analog-stick(2), press Y(2), X, click Right Analog-stickCutting Room Floor: Giant Sea Serpent #1 art
Left, X, Left, Y, Down, click Right Analog-stick(2)Cutting Room Floor: Giant Sea Serpent #2 art
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, YGraven Variation #1 art
Up, Down, Left(2), X(3)Graven Variation #2 art
Right(2), Left(2), Up, Down, Up, Down, X(2)Spirit Warrior Variation #1 art

Cheat mode
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding option in the "Cheats" menu. They are accessed by selecting "Extras" at the main menu, then "Unlockables", then "Cheats".
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Armor PowerComplete the game under the hard difficulty setting. This mode gives you unlimited magic energy.
InvulnerabilityComplete the game under the King difficulty setting.
Master All MovesComplete the game under the normal difficulty setting. This mode gives you full mastery of every move and combo.
Song Of DeathComplete the game under the normal difficulty setting. This mode allows you to permanently activate the Song of Death power.

King difficulty
Complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

There are a total of 25 scantily clad Maidens, each of which grant you a bonus in experience when you rescue them. Below are the names of each stage and the corresponding amount of Maidens located in them:

Chance Meeting: 1
Pirate Raid: 2
Tribal Warrior: 3
Elephant Graveyard: 3
Midnight Raid: 2
Outpost: 7
Devil Island: 2
Fallen Kingdom: 3
Well of Dreams: 2

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Adrenaline Rush (20 points): Find all Song of Death meter powerups.
Armored Up (20 points): Find all Power Meter powerups.
Bill of Health (20 points): Find all Health Meter powerups.
Bring out the Gimp (15 points): Kill at least 25 enemies duringthe Giant Squid boss battle.
Chain of Fools (20 points): Combo Counter reaches 325.
Chained Attacker (10 points): Combo Counter reaches 100.
Chop Shop (20 points): 500 dismemberments.
Death Grip (20 points): 250 grapple kills.
Death Rain (30 points): Kill 100 enemies by death fall.
Enemy Appetizers (30 points): Impale 100 enemies.
Fatal Touch (30 points): 500 grapple kills.
Filthy Rich (30 points): Find all treasure chests.
Free Fall (10 points): Kill an enemy by death fall.
Hands-On (10 points): 5 Grapple Kills.
High and Mighty (10 points): Score 20,000 points in a level.
Losing His Mind (20 points): Decapitate a captain with a shield.
Man Handle (15 points): 50 Grapple Kills.
Master Conan (50 points): Complete the game on King mode.
Master Dual Wielder (10 points): All dual wield attacks mastered.
Master Looter (30 points): Disarm 100 enemies.
Master Swordsman (10 points): All one-handed blade attacks mastered.
Master Two-Handed Swordsman (10 points): All two-handed bladeattacks mastered.
Meat Market (30 points): 1000 dismemberments.
Mighty Conan (30 points): Complete the game on Hard mode.
Mob Massacre (15 points): Kill 5 or more enemies simultaneously.
Noble Conan (10 points): Save a Maiden.
Now You See It, Now You Don't (10 points): Disarm an enemy.
Parry Assassin (15 points): 100 parry kills.
Parry Farm (10 points): Perform every parry kill move.
Parry King (20 points): 200 parry kills.
Rock of Ages (30 points): Kill 100 enemies by boulder throw.
Shish Kabob (10 points): Impale an enemy.
Slice 'n Dice (10 points): 100 dismemberments.
The Bloody Crown (40 points): Score 100,000 total points.
The Legendary Set (10 points): Collect all armor pieces.
Treasure Hunter (20 points): Find 50 treasure chests.
Treasure Seeker (10 points): Find 5 treasure chests.
Triumvirate Seeker (10 points): Activate 5 rune triumvirates.
Triumvirates United (20 points): Activate all rune triumvirates.
Untouchable (40 points): Complete a mission without taking anydamage.

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