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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Dragon Ball Z : Bukuu Ressen

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Game Name : Dragon Ball Z : Bukuu Ressen
System : Nintendo DS
Date Added : 2008-03-15 23:41:34
Views : 25557

Extra Support
At the main menu, go to the options and view the credits. After all of the credits are done, wait a short time. The music should still be playing and you should still be at the credits screen. When the music stops, a box will appear on the screen stating "Support character increased by 1".

To get the second Extra Support, complete every level in all characters storyline. This will take some time, but is worth it to anyone who likes to use supports).

Team attacks
Place the following characters on the same team. They will be able to do a simultaneous team attack:

Vegeta, Piccolo, and Goku
Perfect Cell, Super or Evil Buu, and Frieza
Super Trunks, Super Vegeta, and Super 3 Gotenks
Goku, Adult Gohan,and Gotenks
Goku, Super 2 Gohan, and Bardock

Unlock list for Dragon Ball Z: SW2.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Android #18Beat Krillin's "Differences in Experience" Stage.
Androids #16 and #17Beat Android #18's "16's Agitation" Stage.
BabidiBeat Vegeta's "Evil Discovered" Stage.
Barrdock(SP)Complete the 2 Barrdock Levels in Goku Story
BrolyBeat the map where you fight broly in goku's story.
Buu (Good)Beat Gotenks' "Super Buu Has Emerged!" Stage.
Cell (Complete)Beat Cell's Complete Body: Successful!" Stage.
Cell (Second Form)Beat Dr. Gero's "18, Activate" Stage.
Cell Jr.Beat Cell (Second Form)'s "Cell Jr." Stage.
CoolerBeat Frieza's "A Battle of Blood Relations" Stage.
DaburaBeat Buu's "The Gate to the Other World" Stage.
DendeBeat Piccolo's "Cooler's Armored Squad" Stage.
Dr. GeroBeat Gohan's "Ambition" Stage.
FriezaBeat Goku's "Enraged Warriors" Stage.
GinyuBeat Vegeta's "Battle of Namek" Stage.
Gohan (Teen)Beat Kid Gohan's "Golden Warrior" Stage.
Goku (Super Saiyan)Beat Goku's "Showdown: Core/Cooler" Stage.
HerculeBeat Buu's "Best Friend" Stage.
Infinite Dragon PowerBeat every mode
Maximum ModeBeat one round of Z Battle
Maximum Mode(Hard)Complete Maximum Mode(Novice)
Maximum Mode(Mania)Complete Maximum Mode(Hard)
Mecha Frieza(DP3)Complete Last Level of Frieza Story
Metal CoolerBeat Cooler's "Big Gette Star" Stage.
Super BuuBeat Buu's "Best Friend" Stage.
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan(DP6)Complete Last Level of Gohan Story
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks(DP7)Complete Last Level of Gotenks Story
Tien and YamchaBeat Krillin's "Revived! The Ginyu Force" Stage.
Trunks (Super Saiyan)Beat Trunks' "Time Machine" Stage.
Vegeta (Evil)Beat all three ranks in Maximum Mode
Vegeta (Super Saiyan)Beat Vegeta's "Vegeta vs Android 18" Stage.
Zarbon and DodoriaBeat Frieza's "Frieza's Irritation" Stage.

Extra DP
Complete the indicated tasks in Maximum mode for more DP.

Increase DP by 1: Complete 5 or 6 levels.
Increase DP by 1: Complete Novice mode.
Increase DP by 2: Complete Hard mode.
Increase DP to unlimited: Complete Mania mode.

Defeating Ultimate Goku
Choose SS Goku, Majin Vegita, and Bardock as a team for the best results. Use Goku first. Keep blasting him. Every time your energy level starts to go down too far, use Bardock and keep blasting. Eventually he will get around. However by the time he does that you will already have him down far. When your life gets into the red, use Goku's ultimate attack. If Goku dies, try the same technique with Majin Vegita. If you do not get it, try again.

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