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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training : How Old Is Your Brain?

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Game Name : Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training : How Old Is Your Brain?
System : Nintendo DS
Date Added : 2007-12-07 15:39:49
Views : 20847

Top Three Results
While tapping the graph option on the Daily Training menu, hold Select to display the top three results from every Brain Age Check and training to that date.

Easter Egg: Doctor
Say "doctor" into the mic at the title screen and Ryuta Kawashima will laugh or scowl.

Easter Egg: Big Stamp
If you complete three brain challenges in a day, the stamp used to keep track of your progress will be bigger.

Sudoku Advanced Mode
You can unlock the Advanced level of sudoku puzzles by completing 48 of the puzzles in Basic and Intermediate modes - a total completion percentage of 40%.

Brain Age Check Selection
Go to the Daily Training section and select your name, press and hold [Select] and pick Brain Age Check. This will open up a selection menu that lets you choose which three challenges you want to complete for the age check.

Larger Stamp
Successfully complete three brain challenges in a day and the stamp used to keep track of your progress will get larger.

Brain Age Check Test Selection
Menu where you can see the option to check your brain age

Go to the place you can take the brain age test. Hold select, then click "Brain age test." Then you can choose what tests you take.

Easter Egg: Glasses, Glasses
On the main menu say "glasses glasses" into the microphone and Ryuta Kawashima will perform a "funny" animation on the left screen.

Irritate the Prof
At the title screen say 'Glasses glasses' into the microphone and the doctor will remove his glasses and say something. Say 'Doctor' and he will either laugh or get mad.

Daily Training's Training Unlockables
Perform the following tasks in order to unlock new contents..
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Hard mode for Calculations x 100 gameGet 11 stamps
Hard mode for Head Count gameGet 9 stamps
Hard mode for Triangle Math gameGet 17 stamps
Head Count gameGet 3 stamps
Low to High gameGet 1 stamp
Stamp Designer OptionGet 7 stamps
Syllable Count gameGet 2 stamps
Time Lapse gameGet 15 stamps
Tips OptionGet 5 stamps
Triangle Math gameGet 13 stamps
Voice Calculation gameGet 19 stamps

Brain Age Check Selection Menu
Select a save game slot and hold Select while choosing the Brain Age option to have the option of selecting the order of the Brain Age Check tests.

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