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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue

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Game Name : Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
System : GameBoy Advance
Date Added : 2007-08-26 00:49:44
Views : 29671

V3 Chips
An easy way to get V3 chips from Bosses that have lots of health is by going to Folder 2 and making it all into P.A. combos and nothing else. To do this easily, get Team Style then power it up until you have Mega Chip+2. Then, even if you are not Team Style, you can use this error code: UTIR1SO2. Then, put as many good p.a. Combos as you can. Make sure to get 2xHero Slasher B, Cust Sword B, Var Sword B, and Protoman B in that order (700 damage). Also put in Body Guard Anti Damage M, Anti Navi M, and Muramasa M (1800 damage), as well as Mstrstyl which is Salamander*, Fountain*, Bolt*, and Gaiblad* (900 damage) and any other Pa Combos that you find helpful.

Defeating Proto/Alpha
Have the Reflect program. Get a Wood style (Wood Shadow is best, but use Weapons+1 with it) then put Hi Power chip and two to four Invis * and P.A.'s chip sets, such as Gutman Dashast and Guard. When in battle, use the charge attack when his core is covered, then blast him as hard as you can with Battle Chip. When his is using an attack and you cannot get close enough, use the Reflect maneuver to get his core open.

Stay in Dark mode
Use Dark chips in a lot of battles and you will get stuck in Dark mode. To get out of Dark mode in battles, do not use Dark chips. Use regular chips and you will get out of Dark mode.

Toggle battle chip selection screen
Press Select at the battle chip selection screen to make it disappear. Press Select to make it reappear. You can do this anytime, but only on the chip screen. This is good way to develop strategies.

With Magnum chips, if you want to hit your opponents second row, do not push any buttons and it will hit the second row from the front. If you want to hit their first row, repeatedly press A until it hits. There are no special techniques for the third row.

Secret Boss: Serenade
To Unlock the Secret Boss of the Secret Area Net, You need to gather all 200 standard chips. Then the Door of Honor will open, and you will be allowed to fight Serenade.

Ground Style
Frequently defeat enemies with IceStage, LavaStage, GrassStage, MetalStage, SandStage, or other field change chips in play to get this style. Ground Style allows Mega Man to equip Field Change-type custom-blocks without having to enter an error code. Also, when he charges his Mega Buster, all panels touching his attacks get cracked.

Bass SP
Get Grass style. Then, make Grass Stage your regular chip. Add Folder Back, Geddon 3, Undershirt, 3x Recover 300, and Sanctuary. Activate Grass Stage. Attack use Geddon 3 then immediately use Sanctuary and Folder Back. Use your recover 300's. When you have 1 HP remaining, activate Grass Stage followed by a fire attack for over 100 damage (Magnums work), then a powerful P.A.

Before battling Flamman, jack out and go to the beach. Go to the studios where you will find Tora in the same location as he was at before the N1 started. Defeat him and you will get Kingman.

Defeating the WindBox Viruses
There is a very easy way to fight the WindBox Viruses that often appear alongside other nasty viruses. They do not attack you themselves, but they do blow you backwards making it harder to delete them and the other viruses. To make it easier to delete them and the other viruses, set a Fan Battle Chip as your Regular Chip. When you encounter them, select the Fan Battle Chip and set it on your side of the field. The Fan will pull the Wind Box and the other viruses toward you, even though the Wind Box will blow you black because of the Fan. You will be close enough to the Wind Box and the other viruses to easily delete them.

Invisible number tower in Secret 2
In Secret 2, there is an invisible number tower. Go up along the path when you first enter Secret 2 to the teleporter, but do not go in. Go past the monolith (smash with hammer) and go down the long path to the teleporter then go on it. Go on the middle path to the teleporter and go on it. Go a short distance and go on the invisible path to get to the other side. Keep going up. Do not go to Secret Area 3. Instead, find a little invisible path. However, you cannot get through. Press A and the security number tower system will activate. There are three M-1s with 400 HP each. First use Areagrab, then use Copydamage on the nearest one, then use a Lifesword PA on the other two. Note: Do this quickly.

Easy Battle, Mega, and Navi chips
Get a yellow star before you use this trick. Once you can access the secret area level, go to secret area 3 and find the Bug Trader (the one you need to trade 300 Bugfrags with to fight Bass GS). Trade a lot of Bugfrags (9999) to get chips that would be hard to get. Navi V4 and Mega Chips can also be found by trading, but to get Navi V4 or any other Navi chips, you must have a Navi chip (any level) from a specific Boss/Navi. For example, if you have a Bubbleman chip V1, if you use the Bug Trader you should be able to get Bubbleman chips V1, V2, V3, and V4. This is the better way to get V4 chips without getting a Team Style and defeating V4 Bosses under twenty seconds with an "S" rank.

Mystery Style
Myst Style is actually a very powerful Program Advance. When performing it on a very weak virus, Mega Man first splits into three parts/ Then, Heatguts will punch the enemy with Gut Punch and your Mega Man creates a large explosion. When fighting a Boss (Alpha), you will also split into three, but you will attack the enemy multiple times, and your Mega Man will make a large explosion.

Hidden items
When you get off the boat to go to WWW Area, do not take a right turn. Instead, go forward. You will be in a location that cannot be seen. Face the wall and press A. You will be told that there is an old computer in the wall. Jack in and you will find rare viruses, a SubChip dealer, and more.

Shrink Navi Customizer Programs
In the Navi Customizer Screen, move the highlight over the name of the program that you want to shrink (and has not been shrunk yet). Hold the 'Select' button, and key in the corresponding code.

NOTE: 1,2, and 3 stand for the 3 weird characters, the first of which is 1, second is 2, and third is 3.
Up, R, A, Left, Right, RightHumour
Right, R, Down, R, L, LeftMegFldr1
A, R, Down, Down, Right, LeftMegFldr2
B, R, Right, Right, L, LSetMetal
Left, A, A, B, Up, LeftSetSand
Up, Left, Right, L, Up, RShdwShoes
up B B down A RShrinks Airshoes
L, Left, R, A, Right, DownShrinks AntiDmg
right R right R L leftShrinks Battery
A down A A R AShrinks Beat
down B up down A leftShrinks Block
R, A, B, Down, L, LShrinks BrakBstr
B, A, Left, L, Up, BShrinks BrakChr
B down up B down BShrinks BugStop
down A R R L left leftShrinks BusterMAX
B down right R right rightShrinks Collect
right right right up left BShrinks Custom1
A down up down R downShrinks Custom2
R, L, R, Down, Left, B, RShrinks DarkLcns
B down A R left RShrinks Fastgauge
L R down up left rightShrinks Fish
L down A down R B upShrinks GigFldr1
B left A down down up LShrinks Hubbatch
A R left B B AShrinks Jungle
up right A A R upShrinks OilBody
B up A left left BShrinks Reflect
L A down B B BShrinks Rush
left right down R down RShrinks Shield
R L B down down downShrinks SneakRun
A down left L L RShrinks Tango
left up B L left upShrinks Undershirt
Up, Right, Up, R, Up, DownSprArmor

Security panels
The following can only be done in the Blue version. In secret areas, the security panel may prove to be a object to be wary of. Use AntiDmg then for the panels that have 250 HP, use this tactic: Protoman V2, Atk+30, Navi+20, and two Atk +10s. For the panels that have 400 HP, you will need the Wood style. Use the Gaiablade* that you get out of Numberman (33157825). Now, use chips that do at least 100 Dmg and have the same letter. (such as R-R, S-S, etc.). Note: Use Fan* if the panels are in the back row. If done correctly, you should have at least 300 Dmg. If you need more power, use things like Atk+30 or Atk+10s.

EX Codes
These codes can be entered after you buy the Mod Tools on Beach St. In the Navi Customizer, press select after loading your programs. This allows you to input codes. (Note: 1,2, and 3 correspond to the symbols.)
L3KJGUEOAntiDamage / Kiwarimi Magic
JDKGJ1U2NCP Mega Folder1
GKHU1KHINCP Shadow Shoes
2BKD1UEWSloGauge (Same effect as chip)

Go into Yai's house. Look in the main room. Hanging on the coat rack is Mario's outfit.

Secret Area 1
After defeating Alpha, continue the game and go to the Undernet server (behind the hot tub in Yoka). Jack in to where you get the forbidden program. You will then be in Secret Area 1. Note: You must have 100 or more Battle Chips to enter.

7 Stars
There are 7 stars you can get, which will appear next to the main title screen once you satisfy the objectives.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Blue Star (4th Star)Complete your Standard Chip Library (200 Chips)
Green Star (2nd Star)Defeat Bass GS in Secret Area 3, after defeating Dark Man, Japan Man and Serenade
Light Blue Star (3rd Star)Beat all of Serenade's Time Trial times in Secret Area 1, 2 and 3.
Orange Star (7th Star)Complete your P. A. [Program Advance] Library (32 Combos)
Purple Star (5th Star)Complete your Mega Chip Library (85 Chips)
Red Star (6th Star)Defeat ALL 15 Omega Navis. (Must use code to unlock Omega Navis)
Yellow Star (1st Star)Defeat the Original Alpha.

Defeating Bosses
Go to Higsby's shop. Go to the NumberMan Machine and put in the codes for the Salamander, Fountain, Bolt, and GaiaBlade chips. Put them in your folder. Save the game before every Boss battle. As soon as you enter the battle, if you have three of those previously mentioned chips in the chip selection screen, wait for the fourth one. If you already have all four of those chips, put them in the exact order listed. You should get a chip called MsrtStyl or something very similar. Combine this with the Barr500 (Barr R, Barr 100 R, Barr 200 R) program advance and either Holy Panel or Sanctuary and you can defeat any boss, even Bass GS, easily. Note: If you have UnderSht, you can never go below 1 HP. Next, have GrassStg and combine this with any Grass style of Mega Man. Any time you step on a grass tile, you will regain health. This is very useful for defeating Alpha or any difficult boss. The only way you can die is if some incredibly fast Navi, such as ProtoMan for example, does a two hit combo on you.

Error Codes
If you attempt to use a Program of a color your current style does not support,you will get an error and be unable to boot up MegaMan until the problem is fixed.

You can bypass these errors once you have purchased the ModTools at Beach Street.When the error number appears,press Select and input the code to counter.
GYU2OPZQCounter Error A1
3GKQ2RSQCounter Error A2
LO13ZXMECounter Error A3
JHGIUTOPCounter Error B1
ALSK3W2RCounter Error B2
Y2U0MNCBCounter Error B3
1LSKUTOBCounter Error B4
BM2KWIRACounter Error B5
UTI3OMDHCounter Error B6
X2CD3KDACounter Error C1
UTIXM1LACounter Error C2
WS1FS1AQCounter Error D2C
OI1UWMANCounter Error D2G
P3TOSIISCounter Error D2S
P213MSJLCounter Error E1
UTIR1SO2Counter Error E2
QSAO3C3LCounter Error F1
NC1FKSA2Counter Error F2
TA2CRWQCounter Error F3
TIS1LAEJCounter Error G2C
CVVDS2WRCounter Error G2G
TUIEO23TCounter Error G2S
A3DJMNB1Counter Error H1
UTIW2SMFCounter Error H2
SK3LROT1Counter Error H3 (AntiDmg)
TU1AW2LLCounter Error S2C
AX1RTDS3Counter Error S2G
F2AAFETGCounter Error S2S

Heal with Reflect
Anytime after obtaining Modtools, get any Shield Style. Then, go to the Navicust and put in the power-up code SK13EO1M. This causes a glitch which allows you to only have four battle chips. After "OK!" appears, every time you use Reflect, you will also replenish health. This is especially useful when fighting Bosses (Gutsman, Plantman, etc.).

Rocket GutPunch
To fire a GutPunch chip, hold A and press Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Left then release A. This should make Megaman punch and the send his fist flying forward, smashing the first thing in its path.

Mega Man Battle Network PopUp chip
In Mega Man Battle Network, there were two chips of a special "Invincible Series". Those chips were the DropDown chip (invincible until you attack) and the PopUp chip (invincible when not attacking). The virus that drops the PopUp chip can be seen on the mat in Dex's house, which is a small, tan colored dog. For those who watch NT Warrior on the WB, this is also the newest version of the dog Rush.

Numberman passwords
In Higby's shop, you'll see Numberman who'll give you chips and other goodies if you enter the right passwords.
23415891Receive Airshoes Navi Customizer Block
24586483Receive SneakRun Navi Customizer Block
15789208Recieve AirShot3 * chip
01697824Recieve CopyDmg * chip
99826471Recieve FullEnrg Subchip
56892168Recieve FullEnrg Subchip
33157825Recieve GaiaBlde * chip
95913876Recieve GtStrght S chip
03284579Recieve HeroSwrd P chip
21247895Recieve HiCannon * chip
87824510Recieve LockEnmy Subchip
57789423Recieve MiniEnrg Subchip
86508964Recieve MiniEnrg Subchip(again)
90690648Recieve Mr Famous's Wristband Key Item
50098263Recieve Muramasa M chip
67918452Recieve QuickGge Navi Customizser Block
65497812Recieve Salamndr * chip
19878934Recieve SetSand Navi Customizer Block
24586483Recieve SneakRun Subchip
11002540Recieve SpinBlue Key Item
28274283Recieve SpinGrn Key Item
72563938Recieve SpinRed Key Item
77955025Recieve SpinWht Key Item
31549798Recieve Spreader * chip
76889120Recieve StpCross S chip
54390805Recieve Thndrblt * chip
88543997Recieve Tsunami * chip
35331089Recieve Unlocker Subchip
05088930Recieve Untrap Subchip
46823480Recieve Untrap Subchip(again)
63997824Recieve VarSword F chip
41465278Recieve WpnLV +1 Navi Customizer Block

Mega Man Legends
Go into Yai's house. Look on floor to find a Lego-like character from Mega Man Legends.

In Higsby's shop, there is a poster of Zero calling him a hero.

Blckbombs seem to be worthless, but if used correctly they will work well. If you throw one on a Boomer, even if their mouth is closed it will still crush them. If you blow one up with a Volcano or a Magnum 1, 2 or 3, it will do 270 damage to all on the opponent's field. if you hit the opponent with a Magnum 1 it will do 390; with Magnum 2 it will do 420; and with a Magnum 3 it will do 450.

Defeating Alphabugs
Alphabugs are very annoying viruses. When you fight them, the names appear as "???". They are found in the Demon Statue on Hades Isle and inside the Lion's Head Statue in the Hot Tub at the Yoka Inn. They have 100 HP and are usually found in groups of three. In the beginning or middle of the game they are very annoying. Each time one is hit, it regenerates HP. Also if you are not careful, it will lash out at you and starting absorbing your HP, doing over 200 HP of damage each time. Each time it attacks you, it leaves a strange something there and makes one of your area's squares unusable for the rest of the battle.

Chip combo
This works faster if you have the Custom style and Fast Gauge custom program. Get the following chips: Wind *, Fire+30 (two), Meteors R, and Metagen B (two or three). First, play the Wind chip, then play the two or three Metagens. Try to get the Meteors R and the Fire+30s together. If you have more Fire+30 or any chips that power up the chip you are using, they will also work. It should do 100 damage per hit, and 1,000 to 1,500 damage total. This also works with Rndmmetr, Holemetr, and Shotmetr.

Fight Omega Navis
Highlight Continue, hold Left, press R, R, L, R, L, R, L, L (after getting first 5 stars)

After you beat Alpha, secret bosses will be available to you.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Alpha Omega(WWW Island)Have all seven stars.
Bass GS(Secret Area 3)Beat Serenade, put 300 Bugfrags into Bugfrag Trader, leave Secret Area and return to BF Trader.
DarkMan(Secret Area 1, V3 in Undernet 6)Have at least 140/200 in Standard Chip Library.
JapanMan(Secret Area 2, V3 in samurai armor)Have at least one Giga Chip,

Extra damage
Lay down a RockCube and GutPunch it. It will slide straight across the field, doing a lot of damage to anyone in its path.

Scroll through text
This trick works best before a Boss if you saved the game and want to fight again but do not want to see the long conversation. Press Start and it will skip past the dialogue and proceed to the battle.

Omega Zero
After you defeat Alpha, have obtained all five stars, and have defeated the Omega Navis, go to Special Area 3. Go to where Serenade is standing. Go behind her to face Zero.exe. His HP is 1500. Then, go to Dexs Hp to encounter Zero.exe V2 with 1900 HP. Finally jack into Higsby's Numberman Mascot. V3 will randomly appear with 2400 HP. Jack out, then go to where Alpha is located. He will be replaced by Omega Zero.exe with 3000 HP.

Easy money
After you get the commendation from SciLab, go to the hospital and jack in the vending machine besides the chip trader. Go to the southwest and get the chip, which is 9,000 Zenny. After that, go to the east from the chip to find a Gambler. The price will rise as you win, up to 256,000 Zenny. Win them for a lot of money.

Test fire Buster
Go to the Mega Man option at the start menu. Press L button to see Mega Man fire his buster. This is useful if you need to see if the Bug effects your Buster.

Custom Style
Frequently defeat enemies by using different chips with the same code (for example, Cannon B and MiniBomb B) to get this style. Custom Style allows Mega Man to start a battle with six Battlechips instead of five. After you level this style up, the number of starting chips increases.

VarSword Combo!
When using the VarSwords, hold down the A button and enter the following quickly before the VarSword attacks and the VarSword's attack range will change to the following effect.
B, B, Left, Down, UpElemental Sonic Wave
Left, Down/Left, Down, Down/Right, RightFighter Sword
Down, Left, Up, Right, DownLifeSword
Down, Down-Right, RightLongSword
Left, B, Right, BSonic Boom
Up, Right, DownWideSword

Power Stream
This is an extremely powerful attack that can be used with any style (even normal). It requires two weapon +1s (one pink and one yellow). Put them both on the line so you create a bug. It is a charge attack that only goes one square, but it does 100 damage.

To get the hammer, go to Undernet 7. You must battle and defeat Flaman B. To do this you must first defeat Flaman A (Undernet 4 at the dead-end near the entrance to Under Square). Defeat him and go to Yoka 1 near the heater (equip Oil Body) and run around the heater. If you are lucky, you will encounter him. Battle and defeat him. After this, go to Undernet 6 then go to the left and unlock the cube. Keep going and you will find a passage to Undernet 7. Go to the right and you will find a Spikey-like virus. Give it 50 Bugfrags and it will let you pass through. Go up on the top and you will find the "the hammer".

Mega Man Zero
When you first walk in Dex's house, there is a Mega Man Zero mat on the floor.

Obtaining Giga-Level Battle Chips
To obtain a good number of these battle chips, you will need to use the Omega Navis Code. The ones that need this code to be active will be marked (SP).
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
AlphaArm Omega(SP) After defeating all Omega Navis, defeat Alpha Omega
Bass+Defeat the Hidden Boss: Bass GS
BeastMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: BeastMan Omega
BowlMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: BowlMan Omega
BubbleMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: BubbleMan Omega
DarkAuraComplete the Serenade Time Trials
DarkMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: DarkMan Omega
DeltaRayObtained through Link Battling White version (random)
DesertMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: DesertMan Omega
DrillMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: DrillMan Omega
FlameMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: FlameMan Omega
FlashMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: FlashMan Omega
FolderBackPurchased for 200 BugFrags from a hidden shop in UnderNet 2
GutsMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: GutsMan Omega
KingMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: KingMan Omega
MetalMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: MetalMan Omega
MistMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: MistMan Omega
PlantMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: PlantMan Omega
ProtoMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: ProtoMan Omega
YamatoMan V5(SP) Defeat the Hidden Boss: YamatoMan Omega

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