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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

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Game Name : Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2006-10-31 12:57:28
Views : 28152

FAMAS in Quick Missions
When creating a new campaign, enter the "GRAW2QUICKFAMAS" password when prompted to have access to the FAMAS when playing a Quick Mission

There are 43 achievements worth 1000 points

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Act 1 Complete (elevated risk) (30 pts)Complete campaign Act 1 in 'elevated risk'.
Act 1 Complete (guarded risk) (20 pts)Complete campaign Act 1 in 'guarded risk' or higher.
Act 1 Complete (low risk) (10 pts)Complete campaign Act 1 in 'low risk' or higher.
Act 2 Complete (elevated risk) (35 pts)Complete campaign Act 2 in 'elevated risk'.
Act 2 Complete (guarded risk) (25 pts)Complete campaign Act 2 in 'guarded risk' or higher.
Act 2 Complete (low risk) (15 pts)Complete campaign Act 2 in 'low risk' or higher.
Act 3 Complete (elevated risk) (40 pts)Complete campaign Act 3 in 'elevated risk'.
Act 3 Complete (guarded risk) (30 pts)Complete campaign Act 3 in 'guarded risk' or higher.
Act 3 Complete (low risk) (20 pts)Complete campaign Act 3 in 'low risk' or higher.
Bull's eye (Quick mission) (30 pts)Finish a mission with a 100% accuracy statistic.
Caldera (Co-op 4) Perfect (20 pts)Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Challenge 1 Complete (10 pts)Complete the first tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Challenge 2 Complete (10 pts)Complete the second tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Challenge 3 Complete (10 pts)Complete the third tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Challenge 4 Complete (10 pts)Complete the fourth tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Co-op Veteran (25 pts)Win 30 Co-op matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Combat Medic (25 pts)Heal 10 teammates wounded by enemy fire in a multiplayer match with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Dangerous (15 pts)Get a total of 150 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Demo Expert (20 pts)Plant 10 demo charges in Team Mission matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Enforcer (20 pts)Eliminate 5 different human opponents in 30 seconds with at least 10 gamertags in the room.
Hawk's eye (Quick mission) (30 pts)Finish a mission with all your intels acquired while out of combat.
Helo Hunter (20 pts)Shoot down 20 helicopters in the Helicopter Hunt game type.
Hideout (Co-op 6) Perfect (20 pts)Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Iron man (Quick mission) (30 pts)Finish a mission without being hit.
Lethal (20 pts)Get a total of 300 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Locks (Co-op 3) Perfect (20 pts)Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Mission accomplished (30 pts)Complete all the secondary objectives in 'Campaign mode' or in 'Quick Mission mode'.
Outpost (Co-op 5) Perfect (20 pts)Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Perfect Co-op Campaign (40 pts)Complete all Co-op Campaign Missions without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Predator (Quick mission) (30 pts)Finish a mission with all fights engaged by you.
Ruthless (25 pts)Get a total of 500 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Single Player Master (50 pts)Unlock all other 'Single player mode' achievements to unlock the 'Single player Master' achievement.
Sniper Expert (20 pts)Get a total of 100 sniper rifle kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Solo Veteran (25 pts)Win 10 Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Station (Co-op 1) Perfect (20 pts)Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Team 'ELITE' (Quick mission) (30 pts)Finish a mission with no team mates wounded and +50% enemies killed by them.
Team All-Star (35 pts)Lead your team in kills in 10 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags on your team.
Team MVP (15 pts)Lead your team in kills in a Team match with at least 5 gamertags on your team.
Team Veteran (25 pts)Win 30 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
The Cut (Co-op 2) Perfect (20 pts)Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Threatening (10 pts)Get a total of 50 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Tutorial Walkthrough (5 pts)Complete the whole tutorial at least once.
Ultimate Defender (40 pts)Win a 60 minute Co-op Defend match on any map.

2 New Head Gear
Have a save file from Splinter Cell: Double Agent on your hard drive or have a save file from Rainbow Six: Vegas on your hard drive.

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