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Game Name : Eragon
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2006-12-31 10:57:33
Views : 23588

Hidden egg bonuses
Collect the hidden eggs found throughout the game to unlock the following bonuses.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
1 eggAd for the Eragon and Eldest books
10 eggsCharacter concept art
11 eggsConcept art
12 eggsConcept art
13 eggsRobert Carlyle commentary
14 eggsSound Effects commentary
15 eggsGarrett Hedlund commentary
16 eggsEvolution Of Games commentary
17 eggsConcept art
18 eggsThrone Room bonus level
2 eggsEdward John Speleers commentary
3 eggsDesign commentary
4 eggsArt direction commentary
5 eggsBirth Of A Game commentary
6 eggsConcept art
7 eggsOrchestra commentary
8 eggsSaphira commentary
9 eggsSienna Guillory commentary

Complete the following secret 37 achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Carvahall - Hard (30 points)Make it through the Carvahall level on Hard.
Carvahall - Normal (20 points)Make it through the Carvahall level on Normal.
Daret Bridge - Hard (30 points)Make it through the Daret Bridge level on Hard.
Daret Bridge - Normal (20 points)Make it through the Daret Bridge level on Normal.
Daret Docks - Hard (30 points)Make it through the Daret Docks level on Hard.
Daret Docks - Normal (20 points)Make it through the Daret Docks level on Normal.
Daret Town - Hard (30 points)Make it through the Daret Town level on Hard.
Daret Town - Normal (20 points)Make it through the Daret Town level on Normal.
Gil'ead City - Hard (30 points)Make it through the Gil'ead City level on Hard.
Gil'ead City - Normal (20 points)Make it through the Gil'ead City level on Normal.
Gil'ead Keep - Hard (30 points)Make it through the Gil'ead Keep level on Hard.
Gil'ead Keep - Normal (20 points)Make it through the Gil'ead Keep level on Normal.
Ra'zac Chase - Hard (30 points)Complete the Ra'zac Chase level on Hard.
Ra'zac Chase - Normal (20 points)Complete the Ra'zac Chase level on Normal.
The Spine Mountains - Hard (30 points)Make it through the Spine Mountains level on Hard.
The Spine Mountains - Normal (20 points)Make it through the Spine Mountains level on Normal.
Trapped! - Hard (30 points)Complete the Trapped! level on Hard.
Trapped! - Normal (20 points)Complete the Trapped! level on Normal.

Beating Durza In The Sky: Final Level
When you are in the sky, hold down R1 And press x repeatedly. This will make Eragon shoot arrows at Durza. Repeat this until Durza shoots fireballs at you. Dodge them. When the fireballs have a pinkish touch to them, hold L1 and keep pressing X. This will shoot them back. If Durza ever gets really close to you, hold X and breath fire. Repeat this process until Durza is dead.

Easy Kills
When you are fighting anyone (if they have a shield, break it first by doing a jump slam (Y+B)) press any combination of A and B (ABB BAA ABA BAB) until you have the enemy in a grab, then tap A until he is dead. Also, if you are near a cliff or something the enemy can fall off of, do a jump slam and the enemy will most likely fall off.

Unlock Throne Room Level
If you get a secret egg from every level, Then you will unlock the Throne Room Level. Here you will fight endlessly against Durza's forces.

Throne Room
Find all of the hidden eggs in the game at any difficulty. This level is an endurance match where you you will battle round after round of Galbatorix's men in front of his throne.

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