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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories

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Game Name : Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2007-01-18 02:27:37
Views : 14847

Unlimited energy when swimming
Successfully complete 15 levels in the beach patrol missions to never tire while swimming.

Maximum health increase
Successfully complete 15 levels in the air ambulance missions to increase your maximum health.

Completion bonuses
Successfully complete the game 100% to unlock unlimited ammunition and the intermission sequences in The Clymenus Suite.

Alternate costumes
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume in your safe house.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Army FatiguesComplete the "Last Stand" mission.
CasualComplete the "Conduct Unbecoming" mission.
Cuban styleComplete the Umberto mission "Strand".
Hired muscleBuy a "High Roller" protection racket building.
HoodBuy a "High Roller" robbery building.
LeisureBuy a "High Roller" prostitution building.
Mr. RepoBuy a "High Roller" loan shark building.
Pastel suitBuy a "High Roller" drug dealing building
Smart suitComplete all missions for all six empire types.
SmugglerBuy a "High Roller" smuggling building
Track suitBuy a "High Roller" drug dealing building.
Trailer trashComplete the "D.I.V.O.R.C.E" mission.
WetsuitWin all eight Jetski races on the Jetski at the film studios.
Winner's OutfitComplete the "Last Stand" mission.

Car delivery bonus
Deliver all 32 vehicles to The Civil Asset Forfeiture impound yard to unlock free Pay N Spray usage.

Jumping taxi
Complete over 50 fares in the taxi missions to be able to press Down to jump while driving a taxi.

Red Balloon Rewards
The following will appear at the Hideout(s).

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
AK-47Collect 50 Balloons
ArmorCollect 60 Balloons
Equalizer (Pistol with Scope)Collect 80 Balloons
FlamethrowerCollect 70 Balloons
M249 Machine GunCollect 99 Balloons
Molotov CocktailsCollect 40 Balloons
PistolCollect 10 Balloons
Scorpion (SMG)Collect 20 Balloons
Sniper RifleCollect 90 Balloons
Stubby ShotgunCollect 30 Balloons

Shooting range bonus
Successfully complete the shooting range challenges outside Phil's place at the Vice City Docks to get discount prices at Ammi-Nation stores.

Business bonus
Take over all 30 businesses to get bulletproof business vehicles.

Paramedic bonus
Successfully complete 15 levels in the paramedic missions to have unlimited sprint.

Cheat mode
Enter the Following During Gameplay:

Note: Do not save the game after activating the following cheat codes. Some of them cannot be disabled.

Up, Down, Left, Right, X(2), L1, R1$250,000
Up(3), Triangle(2), Circle, L1, R1100% of multi-player bonuses unlocked
Up(3), Square(2), Triangle, R1, L125% of multi-player bonuses unlocked
Up(3), Circle(2), X, L1, R150% of multi-player bonuses unlocked
Up(3), X(2), Square, R1, L175% of multi-player bonuses unlocked
Up, Down, Left, Right, Square(2), L1, R1Armor
L1, R1, L1, R1, Left, Circle, Up, XBlack traffic
Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle(2), L1, R1Chrome traffic
Left, Down, R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, XClear weather
Right(2), Circle(2), L1, R1, Down, XCommit suicide
L1, R1(2), Left, Right, Square, Down, R1Destroy all cars
L1, R1(2), Left, Right, Square, Down, R1Destroy all cars
Left(2), R1(2), Up, Triangle, Down, XFaster game play
R1, L1(2), Down, Up, X, Down, L1Faster game time
Left, Down, Triangle, X, Right, Up, Left, L1Foggy weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle(2), L1, R1Full health
Overcast weatherLeft, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Square
Up, Right, Triangle(2), Down, Left, X(2)Lower wanted level
Down, Up, Right, L1(2), Square, Up, L1Pedestrian enters your vehicle
Down, Triangle, Up, X, L1, R1, L1, RPedestrians attack
Right, L1, Down, L1, Circle, Up, L1, SquarePedestrians follow you
Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, Circle, Right, TrianglePedestrians have weapons
R1, L1(2), Down, Left, Circle, Down, L1Pedestrians riot
Down, Left, Up, L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, XPerfect handling
Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, TriangleRainy weather
Up, Right, Square(2), Down, Left, Circle(2)Raise wanted level
Left(2), Circle(2), Down, Up, Triangle, XSlower game play
Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, L1, Right, R1Spawn Rhino tank
Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, TriangleSpawn Trashmaster
Left, Down, R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, CircleSunny weather
Up(2), Right, Left, Triangle, Circle(2), SquareTraffic avoids you
Square(3), L1(2), R1, Left, RightUpside down
Left(3), R1(2), L1, Right, LeftUpside down (alternate)
Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, RightWeapons (tier 1)
Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, RightWeapons (tier 2)
Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, RightWeapons (tier 3)

Vigilante bonus
Successfully complete 15 levels of the vigilante missions to get extra armor.

Fire fighter bonus
Successfully complete 15 levels in the fire fighter missions to become fireproof.

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Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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