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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Super Mario Land 2 : 6 Golden Coins

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Game Name : Super Mario Land 2 : 6 Golden Coins
System : GameBoy
Date Added : 2006-10-29 15:20:46
Views : 14925

Easy mode
Go to where you select a file and press Up, Select. Mario will get smaller and "Easy Mode" will appear at the top of the screen to confirm correct code entry. There are less enemies during game play in this mode.

Full map
Hold B at the map screen until it is fully displayed.

Hippopotamus zone: Money
Go further into the level where there is a cloud that resembles a club on a deck of playing cards. If you cannot find it, there is a cloud that looks like an arrow that points to it. Fly up into the right side of that cloud and a money bag (50 coins) will appear.

Control demo mode
Leave the game idle on the title screen to begin demo mode. Press one of the following controller actions to control Mario during this mode.

Hold Up + A and press SelectHippo
Hold Up + A + B and press SelectMacro Zone 1
Hold Up and press SelectMushroom 1
Hold Up + B and press SelectTurtle Zone 1

Lose a life without losing coins
The game will automatically save. To keep your coins after you losing a life, immediately turn off the game when you lose your last life. You should have all the coins you had before, and still have all the levels you previously completed.

Save a life
When Mario loses a life and jumps in the air, pause game play and press Select. You should be outside the level with the same amount of lives. Note: This has no effect in the Castle zone.

Return to map screen
Press Start, Select.

In game reset
Press Start + B + A + Select during game play anywhere in the outer world to return to the title screen.

Recommended color palette
Press Left at the Game Boy logo when playing this game on a Game Boy Color system.

Ninety-nine lives
Complete the Hippopotamus and Space zones. Return to the Hippopotamus zone, enter the water, and move to the left. Collect the 50 coin bonus and repeat this procedure to accumulate 999 coins. Then, play the bonus game to gain additional lives.

Bird zone: Secret level
Immediately after you ring the bell in the first Bird zone level, get Fire power and go to the top where you can jump. Find the two spinable blocks, and jump very close to the same location to reveal one to five hidden blocks. Flame the two blocks and go in the tube. Get past the enemies to reach a doorway with a star on top of the gate. Complete the secret level to go to the Boss level.

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Super Mario Land 2 : 6 Golden Coins Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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