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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tomb Raider : Legend

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Game Name : Tomb Raider : Legend
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2006-04-12 05:09:30
Views : 23144

Alternate costumes
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding alternate costume:
UnlockableHow to Unlock
AmandaFinish Ghana Time Trial
Amanda, WinterFinish Kazakhstan Time Trial
Biker costumeFinish England-King Arthur's Tomb?
Biker, no jacket costumeFind all Silver & Gold rewards in England
Biker, Red Jacket costumeFind all silver rewards in England
Catsuit costumeFind all gold rewards in Japan
Classic costumeFind all gold rewards in Peru
Classic, Gray costumeFind all gold rewards in Ghana
Evening, Red costumeFind all silver rewards in Japan
Evening, Ripped costumeFinish Japan-Meeting with Takamoto
Goth costumeFinish England Time Trial
Goth, Lace Shirt costumeFinish Japan Time Trial
Legend, Black costumeFind all silver rewards in Croft Manor
Legend, Blue costumeFind all silver rewards in Peru
Legend, Pink costumeFind all silver rewards in Ghana
Legend, Union Jack costumeFind all silver rewards in Bolivia
Snowsuit CostumeFind all gold rewards in Nepal
Special Forces costumeFind all gold rewards in Kazakhstan
Special Forces, Urban costumeFind all gold rewards in England
Sport costumeFind all gold rewards in Bolivia
Sport, Green costumeFinish Bolivia Time Trial
Suit costumeFind all gold rewards in Croft Manor
Suit, Cream costumeFind all gold & silver rewards in Croft Manor
Swimsuit costumeFinish Game. finish all Time Trials
Swimsuit, Black costumeFind all rewards, finish game, beat all Time Trials
Winter costumeFinish Kazakhstan-Project Carbonek
Winter Orange, No Coat costumeFind all silver rewards in Kazakhstan
Winter, Orange costumeFind all silver rewards in Nepal
Winter, Pink costumeFinish Nepal Time Trial
Winter, PinkNo Coat costume Finish Peru Time Trial
Winter. No coat costumeFinish Kazakhstan-Project Carbonek

Unlockable Character profiles
Collect the indicated number of Bronze Artifacts to unlock the character profiles:
UnlockableHow to Unlock
Lara CroftCollect 10%
ZipCollect 20%
Anaya ImanuCollect 30%
Shogo TakamotoCollect 40%
Toru NishimuraCollect 40%
James RutlandCollect 50%
Amanda EvertCollect 70%
Winston SmithCollect 80%
Alister FletcherCollect 90%
Unknown EntityCollect 100%

Pistol upgrades
Collect the indicated number of silver and bronze rewards to unlock the corresponding pistol upgrade:

Increased magazine capacity: 25%
Increased accuracy: 50%
Increased damage: 75%

Lara in bikini
To unlock the white and black swimsuits for Lara you must complete the game, find all the rewards (including the ones in Croft Manor) then complete the game again under the time trial difficulty. Complete Bolivia Redux in time trial mode. This will allow the use of the "One Shot Kill" cheat which will help significantly. Note: This will also unlock everything else in the game, including the pistol upgrades, another thirty costumes, and the "Wield Excalibur and "Wield Soul Reaver sword" cheats.

Hold LT: and press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB

One Shot Kill
in game, Hold LT then press Y + A + Y +X + LB + B

Complete the following achievements to unlock the indicated number of Xbox Live Gamerscore points (1,000 total possible points).
UnlockableHow to Unlock
Completed Nepal Time Trial (10 points)Complete the Nepal level in Time Trial mode.
Collected 60 Bronze Rewards (20 points)Collect 60 Common Bronze Rewards.
Completed Kazakhstan Time Trial (10 points)Complete the Kazakhstan level in Time Trial mode.
Completed Ghana Time Trial (10 points)Complete the Ghana level in Time Trial mode.
Completed Tokyo Time Trial (10 points)Complete the Tokyo level in Time Trial mode.
Collected 30 Silver Rewards (35 points)Collect 30 Precious Silver Rewards.
Completed Peru Time Trial (10 points)Complete the Peru level in Time Trial mode.
Completed Bolivia Time Trial (10 points)Complete the Bolivia level in Time Trial mode.
Complete the Adventure (125 points)Complete the Tomb Raider: Legend adventure under the Explorer or Adventurer difficulty.
Completed Nepal (75 points)Complete the "Nepal - The Ghalali Key" level.
Completed England (75 points)Complete the "England - King Arthur's Tomb?" level.
Collected 35 Bronze Rewards (15 points)Collect 35 Common Bronze Rewards.
Completed Kazakhstan (75 points)Complete the "Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek" level.
Collected 5 Gold Rewards (50 points)Collect 5 Rare Gold Rewards.
Collected 15 Silver Rewards (25 points)Collect 15 Precious Silver Rewards.
Completed Ghana (30 points)Complete the level "Ghana - Pursuing James Rutland" level.
Completed Tokyo (50 points)Complete the "Tokyo - Meeting with Takamoto" level.
Completed Peru (50 points)Complete the "Peru - Return to Paraiso" level.
Completed Bolivia (50 points)Complete the "Bolivia - Tiwanaku" level.
Collected 5 Bronze Rewards (10 points)Collect 5 Common Bronze Rewards.
Complete the hard adventure (175 points)Complete the Tomb Raider: Legend adventure under the Tomb Raider difficulty.
Completed England Time Trial (75 points)Complete the England level in Time Trial mode.
Completed All Time Trials (50 points)Complete all levels in Time Trial mode.

Wield Excalibur
Hold LB: and press Y, A, B, RT, Y, LT

Draw Enemy Health
While holding LT, press: X-B-A-LB-RT-Y

Wield Soul Reaver
Hold LB: and press A, RT, B, RT, LT, X

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