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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mega Man X Collection

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Game Name : Mega Man X Collection
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-10-17 12:33:18
Views : 23420

Mega Man X5: X's Super Nova armor
Highlight X at the character selection screen, then press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Then, press [Circle]. Note: You will start with Super Nova Armor from Megaman X4.

Gallery items:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding item in the gallery. To access the gallery, press L1 at the main menu.

Hint 1: Complete Mega Man X.
Hint 2: Complete Mega Man X2.
Hint 3: Complete Mega Man X3.
Images 7: Complete Mega Man X2.
Images 8: Complete Mega Man X.
Music 2: Complete Mega Man X4 as X.
Music 3: Complete Mega Man X4 as X.
Music 4: Complete Mega Man X3.
Staff: Complete Mega Man X.

Mega Man X4: Zero's black armor
Highlight Zero at the player selection screen. Hold [R1] and press [Right], [Right], [Right], [Right], [Right], [Right]. Release all buttons, then hold [Circle] and press Start.

Mega Man X6: X's Ultimate Armor
Highlight the "Game Start" option at the Mega Man X6 main menu, then press [Left], [Left], [Left], [Right] before starting a new game. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You will begin the game with X's Ultimate Armor, which is very much identical to the same armor from Megaman X5.

Mega Man X4: X's Ultimate armor
Highlight X at the player selection screen. Press [Circle], [Circle], [Left], [Left], [Left], [Left], [Left], [Left], then hold [L1] + [R2] and press Start. Note: Hold [L1] + [R2] until game play begins at a screen with all the Bosses. Complete the first level and go to the spider stage. Go to the part with a spike spinning on platform. Go down to space below and go all the way to the right. The UA capsule with the armor will be there.

Cheat mode
On the character select screen, highlight X for the Ultimate Armor code or Zero for the Black Zero code. Input the codes while the character is highlighted. You will hear a conformation tone.

Black Zero:
Press: Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up

Ultimate Armor for X:
Press: Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down

Mega Man X5: Megaman's Ultimate armor
Highlight Megaman at the character select screen, then press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down], [Down]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You will start the game with the Ultimate armor and always have it for use through the rest of the game.

Mega Man X6: Nightmare Zero
Highlight the "Game Start" option at the Mega Man X6 main menu, then press [L1], [L1], [L1], [R2] at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Start a new game. When you rescue Zero after defeating him in battle, you will play as the Nightmare version of Zero. Nightmare Zero has all of Zero's normal moves, but he is much more powerful.

Mega Man X5: Zero's Black armor
Highlight Zero at the character selection screen, then press [Down], [Down], [Up], [Up], [Up], [Up], [Up], [Up], [Up], [Up], [Up]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Then, press [Circle]. Note: Zero's Black armor will reduce damage slightly as compared to his Red armor.

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