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Game Name : Final Fantasy Legend 3
System : GameBoy
Date Added : 2005-08-03 22:50:41
Views : 15328

Free Elixer
When you enter Castle Chaos, there are escalators in front of you. Counting from the left, take the second escalator. While going up, keep walking to the right. You should walk into a secret room with a chest inside. Inside that chest is an elixer. NOTE: Castle Chaos is underwater so you'll need the dive spell to get there.

Mystic Sword Locations 2
The Durend Sword is at the top of Mt. Hasbad. You have to fight Guya to get it. Xcalibr is in Zhakal. Now, enter the underworld, and go to the mushroom complex furthest south. The EMBLEM is there. Now go to Crevasse Cave inside is the cursed Sword of Murasmas(see Wlkthrough for exact instructions). DO NOT USE IT. It damages you as much as anyone else. Head to the southeast now, and you'll find a cave entrance. Inside is a chest containing the OIL. Save this for the AEGIS shield later. Now leave the Crevasse and go uptop again. Play around in the West Tower until you find the chest containing CRYSTAL(again, see walkthrough). Find the entrance to the Overworld, use MORPH to speak to the Dwelg, and then return to the world of the living. Talk to the guy in the house in southern Donmac to get the KATANA. That's the easy part. Here's the trick: now return to the Talon2, passing through the underworld. Speak to Masa twice and he'll uncurse the Murasmas sword, turning it into the Sword of Masmune, and he'll use CRYSTAL, KATANA, and EMBLEM to forge the Emeror Sword. You now have all four Mystic Swords, so return to the north and play in the Eastern Ruins. Note: the Xcalibr is the most powerful, followed by Masmue, then Emperor, and Durend is weakest. Also, the thing about the Mystic Swords is that they harm even enemies who are strong against damage.

Mystic Sword Locations
The Durend Sword is at the top of Mt. Hasbad. You have to fight Guya to get it. Xcalibr is in Zhakal. Now, enter the underworld, and go to the mushroom complex furthest south. The EMBLEM is there. Now go to Crevasse Cave inside is the cursed Sword of Murasmas(see Wlkthrough for exact instructions). DO NOT USE IT. It damages you as much as anyone else. Head to the southeast now, and you'll find a cave entrance. Inside is a chest containing the OIL. Save this for the AEGIS shield later. Now leave the Crevasse and go uptop again. Play around in the West Tower until you find the chest containing CRYSTAL(again, see walkthrough). Find the entrance to the Overworld, use MORPH to speak to the Dwelg, and then return to the world of the living. Talk to the guy in the house in southern Donmac to get the KATANA. That's the easy part. Here's the trick: now return to the Talon2, passing through the underworld. Speak to Masa twice and he'll uncurse the Murasmas sword, turning it into the Sword of Masmune, and he'll use CRYSTAL, KATANA, and EMBLEM to forge the Emeror Sword. You now have all four Mystic Swords, so return to the north and play in the Eastern Ruins. Note: the Xcalibr is the most powerful, followed by Masmue, then Emperor, and Durend is weakest. Also, the thing about the Mystic Swords is that they harm even enemies who are strong against damage.

Underwater City
For this you will need the Dive and Float spells. Use the the float spell to get to the town of Elan (where Granny and Chronos live). To the North of Elan, there should be a bay. use the dive spell to go underwater. The city should be right in front of you. Also, to the right of Elan is a sunken ship with two chests inside.

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