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Juggernaut mech Get to the rank to Colonel to unlock the Juggernaut VT. Spotlight in free mode On one of the towers in mission 20 is Lieutenant Silver Star. Grab him with the manipulator arm and complete the mission to unlock the spotlight in free mode. Activate the spotlight by pressing "F2". Black and white graphics Win mission 23 under veteran difficulty setting. Press (Start) + "Night Scope" during the mission loading screen to switch between black and white and color graphics. Rapier mech Win ten decorations to unlock the Rapier VT. Quasar mech Begin game play on mission 7 or 17. Enter the second floor of the enemy base and move into the small room to your left. Defeat mech inside and move to the large box with a switch in the rear. The Quasar mech is inside. Jump flight ability Win mission 23 under the magnum force difficulty setting. Press (Start) + "F3" during a mission and repeatedly jump to get higher. Voice select option Successfully complete the game under the veteran difficulty setting. The "Voice Select" option will be unlocked in the configuration menu at the main menu. Movie viewer option Successfully the game under the normal difficulty setting. The "Movie Viewer" option will be unlocked in the configuration menu at the main menu. Pause game play Disconnect the controller during a mission to stop the game during a mission. Plug the controller back in and press (Start) to resume. Desperado difficulty setting Successfully complete the game under the veteran difficulty setting. Remove HUD Get to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Then, press "Ignition" + (Start) during game play. Log 55 hours of game play. Press "Ignition" + (Start) during game play to remove the gauges and dials. Mech and level select in free mission mode Move the tuner to the following positions at the title screen in order, with a one second pause before moving to the next position: 1, 9, 7, 9, 0, 9, 0, 6. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: Position "0" is on the left end of the dial, position "4" is at the top of the dial, etc. Unlimited ammunition and fuel Log 100 hours, then reset the game and win 2080 mode one more time. Press (Start) + "Reload" during the loading screen to unlock unlimited ammunition and fuel Disable weight limit and equip all weapons Begin Mission 6 on a difficulty level of Veteran or greater. You can do this in your campaign or in free mission mode. When you reach the mountain compound and the blast doors open, fight your way inside and examine the floor to the left of the second door for a person waving his arms (you may need to use night vision). This is Corporal Arnold. Grab him with your manipulator arm and run like hell, as this room seems to constantly generate VTs. After completing the mission, start a campaign mission or free mission and press (Start) + "Main Weapon" (on the center block, not the control stick) at the briefing menu to make your VTs max weight 100 and give it the ability to use any weapon. If done correctly, the message "WEP ALL" will appear on the briefing screen. Lower mech Successfully complete the game under the desperado difficulty setting. Press "Hatch" + (Start) during game play to lower your mech. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Steel Battalion : Line Of Contact cheat codes. Don't like Game Score? Why not try viewing these cheat codes at one of these great cheat code sites: Steel Battalion : Line Of Contact Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad Steel Battalion : Line Of Contact Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats Steel Battalion : Line Of Contact Cheats at A Cheat Codes Steel Battalion : Line Of Contact Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch |