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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Resident Evil Outbreak File #2

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Game Name : Resident Evil Outbreak File #2
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-03-17 11:21:30
Views : 58560

Hard Mode - Complete End Of The Road (2000pts)
Very Hard Mode - Complete all Scenarios in Hard difficulty (3000pts)
AIPC Amount Set - Complete End Of The Road (5000pts)
Infinity Mode - Complete all Scenarios in Very Hard difficulty (50,000pts)
Nightmare Mode - Complete all Scenarios in Very Hard difficulty (10,000pts)
Extra Battle A-1 - Complete any 2 Scenarios (3000pts)
Extra Battle A-2 - Complete any 4 Scenarios (5000pts)
Extra Battle A-3 - Complete Extra Battle A-2 (10,000pts)
Extra Battle B-1 - Complete any 3 Scenarios (3000pts)
Extra Battle B-2 - Complete any 5 Scenarios (5000pts)
Extra Battle B-3 - Complete Extra Battle B-2 (10,000pts)

NPCs from File 1
If you did not transfer your data from File 1, you can also purchase them with cheaper price.

Bob - Already there, cost: 400pts
Will - Already there, cost: 300pts
Raymond, Arthur, Aaron & Dorian - Already there, cost: 500pts
Elliot, Eric & Harry - Already there, cost: 500pts
Yoko Z - Already there, cost: 800pts
Monica - Already there, cost: 500pts
Frost & Frost B - Already there, cost: 300pts
Hursh - Already there, cost: 400pts
Ethan, Howard & Issac - Already there, cost: 600pts
Kathy & Elena - Already there, cost: 500pts
Danny & Danny B - Already there, cost: 500pts
Gill & Gill B - Already there, cost: 500pts
Len - Already there, cost: 350pts
Peter - Already there, cost: 300pts
Greg - Already there, cost: 1,000pts
Frank - Already there, cost: 400pts
Karl & Dustin - Already there, cost: 800pts
Luke - Already there, cost: 500pts
Nicholas, Sean, Philip, Don & Rodney - Already there, cost: 1,000pts
Mr. Colors - Already there, cost: 10,000pts

Take a shortcut on fixing the pipe
In the scenario Underbelly, to finish the game you must close the hole on the pipe in the Pump Room. To take a shortcut, play as David and use his Vinyl tape to close the hole. But first, David must have all 9 pieces of his Vinyl tape in order to do this.

Opening File 2 Movie - Allready there, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Kevin Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Kevin, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Mark Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Mark, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Jim Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Jim, cost: 500pts
Wild Things George Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with George, cost: 500pts
Wild Things David Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with David, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Alyssa Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Alyssa, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Yoko Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Yoko, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Cindy Ending Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Cindy, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Kevin Opening Gate Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Kevin, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Mark Opening Gate Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Mark, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Jim Opening Gate Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Jim, cost: 500pts
Wild Things George Opening Gate Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with George, cost: 500pts
Wild Things David Opening Gate Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with David, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Alyssa Opening Gate Movie- Beat Wild Things Scenario with Alyssa, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Yoko Opening Gate Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Yoko, cost: 500pts
Wild Things Cindy Opening Gate Movie - Beat Wild Things Scenario with Cindy, cost: 500pts

Desperate Times Kevin Ending Movie Beat Desperate Times Scenario with Kevin, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times Mark Ending Movie Beat Desperate Times Scenario with Mark, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times Jim Ending Movie - Beat Desperate Times Scenario with Jim, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times George Ending Movie- Beat Desperate Times Scenario with George, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times David Ending Movie - Beat Desperate Times Scenario with David, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times Alyssa Ending Movie - Beat Desperate Times Scenario with Alyssa, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times Yoko Ending Movie - Beat Desperate Times Scenario with Yoko, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times Cindy Ending Movie - Beat Desperate Times Scenario with Cindy, cost: 500pts
Desperate Times Battle Plan Movie - Clear Desperate Times; cost 500pts
Desperate Times Rita and Marvin Movie - Clear Desperate Times; cost 500pts
Desperate Times Attention Movie - Clear Desperate Times; cost 500pts

See David as a zombie
To see David as a zombie, first make sure there is no David type in your group. After that, kill Mr. X in his first form so you won't get washed away by the water. Take the valve handle and go to the North Waterworks. In here use the valve handle and climb the ladder. If you do it right, you will see David as a zombie trying to kill you.

Underbelly Kevin Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Kevin and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Kevin Walking Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Kevin and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Mark Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Mark and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Mark Walking Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Mark and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Jim Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Jim and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Jim Walking Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Jim and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly George Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with George and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly George Ending Walking Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with George and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly David Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with David and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly David Walking Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with David and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Alyssa Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Alyssa and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Alyssa Walking Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Alyssa and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Yoko Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Yoko and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Yoko Walking Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Yoko and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Cindy Train Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Cindy and the train to escape, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Cindy Walking Ending Movie - Beat Underbelly Scenario with Cindy and escape through Ventilation Tower, cost: 500pts
Underbelly Emergency Evacuation Movie - Clear Underbelly; cost 500pts
Underbelly Underworld Movie - Clear Underbelly; cost 500pts
Underbelly Enter Mega Bite Movie - Clear Underbelly; cost 500ps
Underbelly All Aboard Movie - Clear Underbelly; cost 500pts
Underelly Crash and Burn Movie - Clear Underbelly; cost 500pts
Underbelly Sprinkler System Movie - Clear Underbelly; cost 500pts
Underbelly Kevin's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with Kevin and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Underbelly Mark's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with Mark and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Underbelly Jim's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with Jim and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Underbelly George's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with George and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Underbelly David's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with David and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Underbelly Alyssa's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with Alyssa and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Underbelly Yoko's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with Yoko and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Underbelly Cindy's Struggle Movie - Clear Underbelly with Cindy and attacked by Giga Bite; cost 500pts
Flashback Cabin in the Mist Movie - Clear Flashback; cost 500pts
Flashback Enter Al Movie - Clear Flashback; cost 500pts
Flashback Bridge Out Movie - Clear Flashback; cost 500pts
Flashback Withering Vine 1 Movie - Clear Flashback and saw "Core of the Plant" scene; cost 500pts
Flashback Withering Vine 2 Movie - Clear Flashback and saw "Core of the Plant" scene; cost 500pts
Flashback Withering Vine 3 Movie - Clear Flashback and saw "Core of the Plant" scene; cost 500pts
Flashback Core of the Plant Movie - Clear Flashback and saw "Core of the Plant" scene; cost 500pts
Flashback An Exit? Movie - Clear Flashback and saw "An Exit?" scene; cost 500pts
Flashback No Green Thumb Movie - Clear Flashback and saw "No Green Thumb" scene; cost 500pts
Flashback Repulsion Movie - Clear Flashback and saw "Repulsion" scene; cost 500pts

Desperate Times BGM -Complete Desperate Times Scenario (1000pts)
End Of The Road BGM - Complete End Of The Road Scenario (1000pts)
ETC BGM - Complete all Scenarios (1000pts)
Kevin's Voice - Collect Kevin's specific SP Items (2000pts)
Mark's Voice - Collect Mark's specific SP Items (2000pts)
Jim's Voice - Collect Jim's specific SP Items (2000pts)
George's Voice - Collect George's specific SP Items (2000pts)
David's Voice - Collect David's specific SP Items (2000pts)
Alyssa's Voice -Collect Alyssa's specific SP Items (2000pts)
Yoko's Voice - Collect Yoko's specific SP Items (2000pts)
Cindy's Voice - Collect Cindy's specific SP Items (2000pts)
Flashback BGM - Complete Flashback Scenario (1000pts)
Underbelly BGM - Complete Underbelly Scenario (1000pts)
Wild Things BGM - Complete Wild Things Scenario (1000pts)

CG Artwork (Kevin Type A) - Complete any 3 scenarios as Kevin. 500pts
Sketch (Kevin Type A) - Complete any 3 scenarios as Kevin. 500pts
CG Artwork (Kevin Type B) - Complete any 3 scenarios as Kevin. 1000pts

Alternate Costumes
Alyssa B - Already there, cost: 1000pts
Alyssa C - Already there, cost: 3000pts
Alyssa D - Find the requirements SP items
Alyssa E - Beat Showdown 1 or B1 Extreme battle
Kevin B - All ready there! Cost: 1000pts
Kevin C - Find the requirements SP items
Cindy B - Already there, cost: 1000pts
Cindy C - Already there, cost: 3000pts
Cindy D - Find the requirements SP items. Cost 10000 pts.
Cindy E - Beat Showdown 2 or B2 Extreme battle. Cost 30000 pts.
Yoko: B (Spring Dress) - Already there, cost: 1000pts
Yoko: C (Gym Outfit) - Already there, cost: 3000pts

New NPCs in File 2
Ms. White, Ms. Peace and Ms. Water - Obtain ALL 260 SP items! (50000pts)
Arnold U.B.C.S - Complete End Of The Road Scenario on Very Hard (5000pts)
Rodrigez U.S.S. - Complete End Of The Road Scenario (5000pts)
Linda - Complete End Of The Road Scenario with good ending by bringing her to the helicopter (4000pts)
Carter - Complete End Of The Road Scenario (3000pts)
Nathan and Samuel - Complete Desperate Times Scenario on Hard mode (4000pts)
Fred, Andy, Jean and Tonny Complete Desperate Times Scenario (5000pts)
Ben Bertolucci - Complete Desperate Times Scenario (3000pts)
Rita - Complete Desperate Times Scenario on Very Hard with any character (6000pts)
Kurt and Kurt B - Complete Flashback Scenario with the truth ending only with Alyssa (3000pts)
Marvin Branagh - Complete Desperate Times Scenario with Kevin type only (4000pts)
Dorothy - Complete Flashback Scenario with Good ending with any character (5000pts)
Reagan and Reagan B - Complete Flashback Scenario with an Illusion ending and complete the sub-quest (3000pts)
Al and Al C - Complete Flashback Scenario (4000pts)
Axeman and Al B - Complete Flashback Scenario on Very Hard mode (8000pts)
Patric & Lloyd - Complete Wild Thing Scenario (3000pts)
Austin - Talk to him in Observation Deck, then talk to Patric or Lloyd (4000pts)

Wild Things Colossal Menace Movie - Clear Wild Things; 500pts
Wild Things Closing Gate Movie - Clear Wild Things and close Elephant Stage gate; 500pts
Wild Things Power Restored Movie - Clear Wild Things and let Elephant to escape; 500pts
Wild Things Elephant Fight Movie - Clear Wild Things and Elephant apppeared at Front Gate; 500pts
Wild Things Lion Fight Movie - Clear Wild Things and Lion appeared at Front Gate; 500pts
Wild Things Lion's death movie - Clear Wild Things and kill Lion at the Front Gate; 500pts
Wild Things Elephant's death movie - Clear Wild Things and kill Elephant at the Front Gate; 500pts

Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield
In order to see Leon and Claire in the police car you have to beat Desperate Times Scenario with Kevin only. You can do this under any difficulty but you have to survive the scenario as Kevin. At this time, Leon and Claire were about to go to the RPD police station and Kevin was trying to escape the city.

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