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Game Name : Juiced
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-05-06 03:42:08
Views : 69514

Unlock All Prototype parts:
Get 1500 respect points from every CPU character.

Free metallic paint
Go to the paint menu in career mode in the workshop. Highlight "Metallic" and press X. At the color selection screen, press Triangle. Go to the base color and chose one. The original base color will now be active as a metallic color. For example, if the original base coat is red, if you highlight black as the base color the car will appear as black with a red metallic coat. This does not work if the car has been repainted already.

Easy money
In career mode, go to your garage and do something with one of your cars (for example, switch a part or get a different paint job). The game should autosave. Then, go back to your race menu. Go in a sprint and bet all your money on one car that looks the fastest. It it does not win at least three races out of four, turn off the Xbox and turn it back on. It will load your last autosave. Try the same sprint again until you win then find a different sprint and start the entire process again.

Bouncing car:
For best results, get a Corvette Z06 and go to the test track. Start driving backwards. Go to the curb with the crane sticking over the track, then drive into the dirt. You should see hardened dirt. Drive onto that until you get halfway through the hardened dirt, then drive off slowly as if you are going back onto the track. Before you get back on the track your car should start to bounce and shake. When you come out of it, your car should be badly damaged.

Unlimited Money
On code section enter "FAST" to get unlimited money in arcade mode.

Unlock Completion bonuses:
Get a 100% completion in career mode to unlock prototype mods for all cars in career mode and the Extreme Nitrous Series in Arcade Mode.

Flying car
Get a Viper GTS fully tuned and go to the oval track. Drive about 210 mph. When you are about to turn, turn the other way into the wall. Hit the nitrous and hold it while still turning into the wall. If done correctly, your car should go up and fly.You must be in the dirt part of the turn. Try using the nitrous two seconds before hitting the wall and hit the wall (wire fence) at about a 30 degree angle.

Easy wins:
Get three of the CRX mod it until you have 199 hp. Let Amber, Vito, and Chief race the free sprints until they get full skills. Then , use them in a 2-2-2 or a 3-3 circuit race.

Free metallic paint:
Go to the paint menu in career mode in the workshop. Highlight "Metallic" and press X. Once in the color selection screen, press Triangle. Go to the base color and chose one. The original base color will now be active as a metallic color. For example, if the original base coat is red, if you highlight black as the base color the car will appear as black with a red metallic coat. This does not work if the car has been repainted already.

Unlock all Cars in Arcade Mode:
On code section insert PINT to activate the code.

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