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Game Name : Jet Rider 3
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-01-07 20:56:16
Views : 23708

Unlimited turbo
Press L1 + Right, R1 + Down, R1 + Left, L1 + Right, R1 + Down, L1 + Right, Triangle, Select during game play.

Master code
Note: This game is also titled Jet Rider 3.

Press L1 + Left, R1 + Up, L1 + Left, Right, L2 + Triangle, Triangle, R1 + Right, L1 + Right, R1 + Down, R1 + Triangle at the main menu to unlock all cheat modes.

Grapple stunt points
There are three yellow 100,000 point coins that can be collected in grapple stunt mode. To get them, go up the spiral object and when you jump off, use the grapple to launch up on top of that big object directly ahead of you. Once on it, use your turbo to boost yourself up. There is a grapple when you get on the straight up and down section. Go up on top of it and fall down the hole at that location. The middle of the hole contains three 100,000 point coins.

All tracks
Press L1 + Triangle, Left(2), Triangle, Right, L1 + Triangle, Circle at the main menu.

Locked camera view
Press Circle, L1 + Triangle, L1 + X, Left, L1 + Circle, Circle, R1 + X, Select during game play.

Planet X and Ramp Park tracks
Finish in first place in circuit mode under the professional difficulty setting.

Stunt mode points
When in the first level of stunt mode, note the very big holes. There is one hole that is by itself and is not connected to the others. Enter that one and find the tunnel at the bottom. Enter it and collect the yellow 100,000 point coin at the end of the tunnel.

Dive off bike
Hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2.

Race as Granny
Finish in first place under the professional difficulty setting.

Use Capt. Billiard on any level. Repeatedly press Circle. The more you press Circle, the higher you will go. Note: To move forward, you will have to use boost.

All stunt tracks
Press Square, Triangle, Up, R1 + Down, Triangle at the main menu. Note: This also unlocks stunt mode.

Stunt mode
Collect all ten track coins in season mode to unlock stunt mode. Note: Stunt mode is for one and two players.

Floating hops
Press R1 + Left, Left, L1 + Circle, L1 + Triangle, Triangle, Select during game play.

All seasons
Press Square, L1 + Left, L1 + Triangle, Square, Circle, R1 + Down, Square at the main menu.

More air
Press Right, L1 + Circle, Circle, R1 + X, L1 + Left, Triangle, Select during game play.

Flapping hops
Press R1 + Left, Left, L1 + Triangle, L1 + Up, Select during game play.

Full turbo
Press Triangle, Up, Right, R1 + Square, L1 + Circle, Select during game play.

All camera views
Press L1 + Triangle, Left(2), Circle, L1 + Triangle, L1 + X, Select during game play to unlock all camera options.

Difficulty settings and seasons
Press L1 + Circle, L1 + Circle, R1 + Right at the main menu to unlock the next difficulty setting and season. Repeat this code three times to unlock all difficulties and seasons.

Race as Capt. Ballad
Successfully complete professional season with all except for two racers.

TV style camera view
Press Circle, L1 + Triangle, L1 + X, Triangle, R1 + Up during game play.

All racing tracks
Press Right, L1 + Triangle, Circle, L1 + Left at the main menu.

Restore turbo
Press R1 + Right, L1 + Left, L1 + Triangle, Left, Select during game play.

Recommended racer
The best racer to get to first place and hold it are The Max, Wild Ride, or Spirit.

Select Raven and you may be able to complete the game without using any boosts or losing first place. The Max, Wild Ride, and Spirit do not keep first place too well, since they are too slow.

Race at high speed
Press L1 + Right, R1 + Down, Square, L1 + Triangle, R1 + Down, L1 + Left, Select during game play.

Olympic Trick track
When on the Olympic Trick track, begin with the jump directly ahead. You have to turbo to make the jump. Press Left or Right and L1, R1 while jumping to do a roll. This should result in extra points added to the coins collected on the jump. When performing a rail slide, go a little slow and on an angle when you reach the rail jump so you slide down. Extra points are gained with the coins on the rail.

Skip lap
Press Left, L1 + Triangle, L1 + Up, Select during game play.

Rolling camera view
Press Circle, L1 + Triangle, L1 + X, Right, L1 + Circle, Left(2), Select during game play.

Secret chamber
There is a jump directly ahead as the game begins. Use some turbo in order to make the jump. After the jump, go to your right. There should be a hole where you can do tricks. There is an opening in the hole. You can go around the top if you use a turbo. After that, slow down at the end to find the coin. Note: It is very hard to get.

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