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Game Name : Rent-A-Hero
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-03-11 15:00:24
Views : 22656

Display Problems During The Game If you encounter display problems like missing objects or black rectangular
holes, you may try to reinstall DirectX 6, Intel Indeo and DXMedia. If this
not help, try to change the colour depth from TrueColor to HiColor. The display
quality is nearly the same but the problems should disappear. The colour depth
can be changed only via the OPTION button of the installation menu on CD 1. General Game Strategy You cannot die and the game is automatically saved every time you exit. So
is no need to save the game unless your PC crashes regularly. If you get stuck, visit all places again, speak again to everybody you meet and
try again to get all things you can reach. Often things change. For example
after you have talked to someone, even if there is no logical connection. You can move the hero more quickly if you double-click on the place you want to
go. Special notice on the help system : The online help system only comes up (a
in the top right corner of the screen) when you are stuck for over eight
and don't have an item in your inventory that is needed next. That means that
the online help is not user selectable and did not come up a single time during the whole time I played. The way it was described, I even think that there is
help system implemented, because I tried to get it to come up ... and nothing
happened ! The Mission How Do I Get A Mission
- You find the first steps in the character description of Rodrigo in handbook.
- Just live a typical day in Rodrigo's life.
- Have you visited Luis already ?
- You could also visit Sancho's Bar.
- You should have a talk with him.
- The monk in the monastery knows a lot.
- If he is busy, come back later.
- You should discuss all the news from Sancho and Ranama with your friend Luis.
- Now it's time for your mission.
- Go to the place where your customers expect you.
- Go into your office and look at your desk.
- After talking with Ramil, he'll give you a fat purse.
- After Ramil leaves, get the purse out of the desk and take it with you.
- Don't worry about the purse - we'll get that back later ! How Do I Enter Endavin
- Maybe you should not look like a hero.
- Have a look at the guard. This will tell you what you need. How Do I Get A Cape
- Been to Sancho's Bar already ?
- There is a stranger at the upper tables at Sancho's.
- Is he a little bit taciturn ? Keep on talking to him.
- You should have grabbed it from the stranger. How Do I Get An Earring
- Maybe you can borrow one.
- You should find someone who wears an earring.
- There is one person with an earring who is not a pirate.
- Have you been in the monastery yet ?
- Meet Ranama in the monastery in Smashville.
- Talk to him about his earring until you are able to distract him.
- Then simply take his earring ! How Do I Convince The Workman To Let Me In The Sewerage
- It seems that he won't let you in.
- If you could convince him to leave his station, you could follow your purse.
- He won't go until his shift is over.
- Sancho told you something about how he fills his pub.
- Go to Sancho and ask him to lend you his trumpet.
- You have to use the trumpet.
- But in a place where the workman cannot see you, but can hear you.
- Use the trumpet in front of your office.
- Above the workman, and he will disappear. How Do I Get The Purse Back
- Follow the purse in the sewerage.
- If the purse falls into the water, it may be a long way down the sewerage.
- You have to search for it.
- From the place you entered, take the right passageway.
- Then the left passageway.
- The purse lies in the water in the middle of the chamber.
- Use the winch to open the lattice.
- The rope snaps ... ! Where Do I Find A New Rope For The Lattice
- You have to search for a person who has a rope.
- In the woods, there is a girl skipping.
- She is on the clearing north of the landing clearing.
- She would not give a toy away without something in return.
- For example, another toy.
- Rodrigo also played in this forest when he was a child.
- Search in the underbrush for left toys.
- You will find a teddy bear in the bush south of the landing clearing.
- Trade the teddy for the rope. What Do I Do At The Lattice
- Use the skipping rope on the winch.
- Open the lattice.
- A friendly dragon ? He needs some help ...
- Have a look at the beasts giving him so much trouble.
- They need to be removed ... once and for all !
- Poison is a good idea. Where Do I Find Some Poison
- Some of the plants in the forest seem to be poisonous.
- Especially the red toadstool northeast of the landing clearing.
- Don't forget the bush northwest of the landing clearing.
- Use the toadstool on the bush and pick the poisonous leaves. Where Do I Put The Poison
- You can only poison something left to eat.
- Like the dragon's brain in the skull.
- Use the poison on the brain in the skull. How Do I Get Into The Skull
- Try all the openings of the skull.
- Some of them may be hidden.
- Search for the ear openings.
- One is behind the bush. You have to examine the bush multiple times. How Do I Get The Carrion Eaters To Eat The Poison
- They want to eat it.
- They can't reach it.
- You have to let them into the skull.
- Open the mouth of the skull.
- Just leave the skull through the mouth.
- The carrion eaters will enter and eat the dragon's brain. How Do I Get A Hat And A Cyber-Hand
- After you have helped the dragon, try to talk to him.
- Hey, a pirate jumps out behind a rock ...
- Your new friend, the dragon, will grill him.
- All that is left from the pirate is his hat and his cyber-hand.
- All you need for now is there. Look for the purse later in the game. How Do I Find Jasmin
- The pirates have kidnapped her.
- They should know where she is.
- Talk to the pirates in the pub.
- They would betray the hiding-place only to another pirate.
- Drink with the pirates to prove you are one.
- Now that you are in the jail, ask everyone around.
- Talk to the girl and you will find Jasmin. How Do I Rescue Jasmin
- First of all, you should examine everything around.
- Have you checked the window ?
- You should listen to the pirates in front of the window carefully.
- They give you important information.
- After you have listened to the pirates, double-check everything in the jail.
- Talk to the girl a second time.
- Then you may get further information if you don't have it already.
- Examine the straw a second time and you will find a way out. How Do I Bring Jasmin Back To Ramil
- Jasmin knows the way.
- Just go somewhere and if Jasmin takes a different way follow her.
- You will enter Esragoth. Someone there could know something about Ramil.
- Keep on talking with everyone around until Ramil appears. The Pirates
How Do I Defeat The Pirates
- I'm sure somebody will help you if only you show determination.
- Try to leave Esragoth to go to Smashville.
- Follow Tharain into the library.
- You will get a lot of information out of the book of Soromann.
- Rumours say he is a nephew of Saruman.
- The force of the Gloomstones seems to be a better chance ...
- ... To beat the pirates than your single sword !
- You need to use the six stones to break the power of the pirates.
- Search the secret cave of the Gloomstones. How Do I Find The Secret Cave
- You should not expect it in an existing tunnel.
- You will have to dig for it.
- You are a hero, not a dwarf.
- Use a machine. There Is A Digging Machine ...
- You will find the digging machine if you follow the rail.
- In the middle tunnel after entering the cave. How Do I Activate The Digging Machine
- You need some kind of energy.
- The typical sources of energy in Tol Andar are Gloomstones.
- Use the Gloomstone with the machine and pull the lever to start the machine. Where Is A Gloomstone
- You will find a heat Gloomstone at the dwarfs' resting-place.
- To go to the dwarfs' resting-place.
- Follow the rails to the left after entering the cave.
- In the next cave, take the branch to the right.
- Search the wall multiple times to find the Gloomstone.
- Use the pick you find at the resting-place to get the Gloomstone. The Stone Is Too Hot To Take
- If it is too hot for a hero's hand, use something else.
- Something more heat resistant.
- Like metal.
- There is a shovel in the first cave. How Do I Reach Both Dead Ends
- You cannot use the digging machine without rails.
- Try it on both dead ends of the tunnel the dwarfs built.
- Throw the switch to reach both dead ends.
- Use the shovel with the switch to throw it.
- First drive the machine to the dead end to the right.
- You have to drill twice.
- Don't forget the box of matches in the rubble.
- It's hard to find, on the left.
- Now throw the switch and start the machine again.
- It will drive to the dead end to the left. How Do I Get The Missing Gloomstones
- Jasmin has them.
- Follow her !
- She is in the forest.
- From the center of the forest, go one clearing to the right.
- Examine the tree on the right side multiple times.
- Maybe you could climb the tree.
- Or you could force her to come down.
- You do not have many items. It should be obvious.
- Use the straw.
- You have to light it. How Do I Light The Straw
- Did you use the drill in the right-hand dead end in the tunnels ?
- In the rubble, you'll find a box of matches.
- Use them to ignite the straw. In Which Sequence Do I Have To Use The Gloomstones
- If you have no idea, ask one who knows more about this cave.
- Ask Tharain in the library.
- Hmm. He is not here. Maybe you should come back later.
- Or something else in the library tells you about the coloured stones.
- Like the library floor.
- Every time you enter the library ...
- ... The stones on the floor show you the position of another colour.
- The next hint shows you the colour sequence to use in the secret cave.
- Use the stones in sequence : red, light blue, blue, yellow, purple and green. The Darkness
What Has Happened
- Ask the figures in the game. They should know it.
- The story of Soromann and the Gloomstones is very old.
- Maybe Cynthia is not old enough to know everything.
- The dragon is old enough. Talk to him. How Do I Defeat The Evil
- Do you wish to help?
- Sometimes wishing helps.
- But not the wishes of heroes.
- What about wishing wells ?
- There is a wishing well in front of Cynthia's cabin.
- You need something to throw into the wishing well.
- Didn't you lose a purse earlier in the game ?
- In the meantime, the purse came out of the sewerage.
- Use it with the wishing well.
- This should have told you what to do to defeat the evil. How Do I Find Megophias
- The wishing well told you the way.
- Your bike is broken. You need something else to fly.
- Or someone else to fly.
- Ask the dragon to bring you to Megophias' island.
- I would expect him in his cabin.
- Isn't it strange.
- The outside of the cabin looks much longer then the room inside !
- You should check the cabin for secret doors.
- Check the windows and the floor of the room in the cabin multiple times.
- You will find a second secret room with Megophias. Where Is The Cyber-Helmet
- Megophias told you to look for it at the beach on the north of the island.
- You have to go through the small forest to reach it.
- Here it should be ...
- But haven't you seen the helmet earlier in the game ?
- In Endavin ! You should talk to Megophias about this. How Do I Go To The Pirate Captain
- Because he is on the pirates' flagship, you have to go to the harbour.
- Again, you need help.
- Search for someone else who is not defeated yet.
- You'll find help behind the barrels at the harbour.
- The little boat does not look like a pirate boat.
- You have to disguise it.
- It should look like a pirate boat.
- Haven't you seen something that belonged to a pirate recently ?
- At the beach on Megophias island is a pirate flag.
- Use it to disguise your boat.
- Now you can row to the pirate ship.
- The captain could be behind any door.
- Move the chest to reach the door to the captain's cabin.
- Be a good hero and let your helper do the work with the captain.
- Just get the cyber-helmet and bring it to Megophias. How Do I Use The Cyber-Helmet
- Plug it into the machines in Megophias' cabin.
- You have all the information to defeat the other magician.
- The wishing well gave you the information.
- Think about all your friends in sequence of their age.
- Leaving out liars and fools, of course.
- The next hint shows you the sequence of the persons to use.
- The correct sequence is: Child, Stranger, Cynthia, Luis, Sancho and Dragon.
Many thanks to Christopher Marshall aka Turtletronic for supplying these cheats!

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