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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Interstate `82

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Game Name : Interstate `82
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-02-19 14:55:05
Views : 21260

Sim Cheats: All of these codes are accessable from the sim [ESC] screen. To enter them type the name below and then hit the [ESC] key again to go back to the sim: Code Result KISS Destroy vehicle currently targeted LOVE Destroy all enemies on radar CUDDLE God mode with current vehicle HUGS God mode for friendlies CARESS Full ammo IMLAME Win mission SYRUP Freeze AI vehicles MRFREEZE Freeze time for AI NUKEME Suicide
Shell Cheats: The shell cheats require additional text files to be generated and added to the root level of the build. zz_autobahn.cfg - Makes foreign cars selectable in multiplayer.
zz_airlift.cfg - Modifies the Load Mission window so that you can load any mission. Requires an existing saved game to exist.
zz_creditline.cfg - No cash limit in the trip missions. You can buy anything that is currently available. Change Vehicle At the end of a mission, you are presented with a screen which enables you to either Customize your vehicle, Quit or Continue. When you are at this screen, ALT - TAB back to windows. Go into the root directory where Interstate 82 has been installed. You will find a file called "User" - This is the file which contains all the information about what vehicle and weapons you currently have. In the root directory you will also have a sub directory called "Variant" - This is where all the information about other vehicles (Including news vehicles created for the "Instant Action" missions) are stored. You can view all these files with Notepad, as they are text files. (You can view the names of the variants to find the correct vehicle you want.) All that needs to be done, is to delete the "User" file, and copy one of the "Variant" files into the root directory, and rename it to "User". If you then ALT - TAB back into the game, and select "Customize Car", you should have your new vehicle in place of your old one. (Note - The last vehicle you used in the previous mission, is automatically selected when you rejoin a saved game. For this reason, you cannot edit the "User" file before you start Interstate '82 as it will be overwritten.) Change Weapons Use notepad, or any other text viewer, to edit the "User" (Or any variant) file. You can edit what weapons are installed, and can even fit weapons that would not normally be able to be used on the selected vehicle. If you choose to replace a small weapon with a larger weapon, it may not appear on the schematic of you vehicle inbetween missions - The weapons should, however, appear on your car when in the game.

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