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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Chip’s Challenge

Browse Macintosh Alphabetically

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Game Name : Chip’s Challenge
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2005-04-12 21:15:48
Views : 77507

Disable timer
Type “saggitarians make better lovers” during game.

Level Password
001: Lesson 1 BDHP
002: Lesson 2 JXMJ
003: Lesson 3 ECBQ
004: Lesson 4 YMCJ
005: Lesson 5 TQKB
006: Lesson 6 WNLD
007: Lesson 7 FXQO
008: Lesson 8 NHAG
009: Nuts and Bolts KCRE
010: Brushfire UVWS
011: Trinity CNPE
012: Hunt WVHI
013: South Pole OCKS
014: Teleblock BTDY
015: Elementary COZQ
016: Cell Blocked SKKK
017: Nice Day AJMG
018: Castle Moat HMJL
019: Digger MRHR
020: Tossed Salad KGFP
021: Iceberg UGRW
022: Forced Entry WZIN
023: Blobnet HUVE
024: Oorto Geld UNIZ
025: Blink PQGV
026: Ch ch chips YVYJ
027: Go With the Flow IGGZ
028: Ping Pong UJDO
029: Arctic Flow QGOL
030: Mish Mesh BQZP
031: Knot RYMS
032: Scavenger Hunt PEFS
033: On The Rocks BQSN
034: Cipher NQFI
035: Lemmings VDTM
036: Ladder NXIS
037: Seeing Stars VQNK
038: Sampler BIFA
039: Glut ICXY
040: Floorgasborg YWFH
041: I. C. You GKWD
042: Beware of Bug LMFU
043: Lock Block UJDP
044: Refraction TXHL
045: Monster Lab OVPZ
046: Three Doors HDQJ
047: Pier Seven LXPP
048: Mugger Square JYSF
049: Problems PPXI
050: Dig Dirt QBDH
051: I Slide IGGJ
052: The Last Laugh PPHT
053: Traffic Cop CGNX
054: Grail ZMGC
055: Potpourri SJES
056: Deep Freeze FCJE
057: Strange Maze UBXU
058: Loop Around YBLT
059: Hidden Danger BLDM
060: Scoundrel ZYVI
061: Rink RMOW
062: Slo-Mo TIGW
063: Block Factory GOHX
064: Spooks IJPQ
065: Amsterdam UPUN
066: Victim ZIKZ
067: Chip Mine GGJA
068: Eeny Miny Moe RTDI
069: Bounce City NLLY
070: Nightmare GCCG
071: Corridor LAJM
072: Reverse Alley EKFT
073: Morton QCCR
074: Playtime MKNH
075: Steam JMDV
076: Four-Plex NMRH
077: Invincible Champion FHIC
078: Force Square GRMO
079: Drawn and Quartered JINU
080: Vanishing Act EVUG
081: Writer’s Block SCWF
082: Socialist Action LLIO
083: Up the Block OVPJ
084: Wars UVEO
085: Telnet LEBX
086: Suicide FLHH
087: City Block YJYS
088: Spirals WZYV
089: Block Buster VCZO
090: Playhouse OLLM
091: Jumping Swarm JPQG
092: Vortex DTMI
093: Road Sign REKF
094: Now You See It EWCS
095: Four Square BIFQ
096: Paranoia BIFQ
097: Meta-stable To Chaos IOCS
098: Shrinking TKWD
099: Catacombs XUVU
100: Colony QJXR
101: Apartment RPIR
102: Icehouse VDDU
103: Memory PTAC
104: Jailer KWNL
105: Short Circuit YNEG
106: Ka-Blam NXYB
107: Balls O’ Fire ECRE
108: Block Out LIOC
109: Torture Chamber KZQR
110: Chiller XBAO
111: Time Lapse KRQJ
112: The Fortune Favors NJLA
113: Open Question PTAS
114: Deception JWNL
115: Oversea Delivery EGRW
116: Block Buster II HXMF
117: The Marsh FPZT
118: Miss Direction OSCW
119: Slide Step PHTY
120: Alphabet Soup FLXP
121: Perfect Match BPYS
122: Totally Fair SJUM
123: The Prisoner YKZE
124: Firetrap TASX
125: Mixed Nuts MYRT
126: Block N’ Roll QRLD
127: Skelzie JMWZ
128: All Full FTLA
129: Lobster Trap HEAN
130: Ice Cube XHIZ
131: Totally Unfair FIRD
132: Mix Up ZYFA
133: Blob Dance TIGG
134: Pain XPPH
135: Trust Me LYWO
136: Double Maze LUZL
137: Gold Key HPPX
138: Partial Post LUJT
139: York House VLHH
140: Ice Death SJUK
141: Underground MCJE
142: Pentagram UCRY
143: Stripes? OKOR
144: Fireflies GVXQ
145: Thanks to… TONY
146: Cake Walk JHEN
147: Force Field COZA
148: Mind Block RGSK
149: Special DIGW

Ignore passwords
Press [Ctrl] + T. “Ignore passwords” option is activated on the in-game menu. To advance to any level, use the “GOTO” command under the level menu.

Skip level
Begin a new game and hold F until the screen flips upside-down. Then type “i think therefore i am” and press C.

Select level
Hold [Ctrl] + T during game. (Alternately hold [Ctrl] + [Al
during game and type “qwerty”.)

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