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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Legend of Zelda : The Four Swords

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Game Name : Legend of Zelda : The Four Swords
System : GameBoy Advance
Date Added : 2005-05-22 18:33:00
Views : 27420

Super bomb:
Complete the Ice Palace followed by the Misery Mire Maze. Go to your house in the Dark World and buy the orange and white bomb.

Fairy from pot:
Sprinkle Magic Powder on some skull-shaped pots in some of the Dark World dungeons to get a Fairy.

More money for fish:
Once you drain the lake to get the heart piece you can pick up the fish in the swamp. You can either bring him up to the other pond and throw him in, or bring him all the way to the village and sell him to the man who sold you the bottle. Bringing him to the other pond will only result in 20 rupees, but selling him to the man will give you 100.

Defeating the big moth Boss:
When facing the moth boss in the Dark World dungeon 3, unleash some bees on him. He will fall in a few seconds.

Ring of rocks:
There is a river past the Potion Shop with the Zoras. In the Dark World, there is a very useful item that you need to complete the game. Near the beginning of the river in the Dark World is a sign that says "Curse All Who Throw Things Into The Ring Of Rocks". Throw a rock. A monster will appear and ask to be left alone. He will give you something. Agree and claim your new item.

Get into The Dark World before getting the Master Sword:
This trick will only work if you have the Moon Pearl, but you do not need the third Pendant. At the top of the mountain in the Light World is a warp to the Dark World. Use this, then travel down to where the bridge would be. Squeeze very close to it, then use the Mirror to travel to the Light World. Do the lightest button-tap possible, then wait for the portal to bring you back. Do not move. Use the mirror again, and when you are in the Light World, walk into the fence. Facing the fence, charge your sword and slowly move back into the portal. You should now be on the edge of the cliff. Move right to jump off, then walk to where you see a lava break and a rock next to each other (at the bottom of the screen.) Move in between them and move down. The screen should move to you on a hill in the Dark World.

More money:
Go to the village and enter the house with the patrolling young lady. Go up to the painting on the back wall and pull on it. Hold on until coins appear.

Go in the Desert of Mystery, very close to where you obtained the second pendant. There are two big rocks after you obtained the Power Gloves. They are in the same temple as the second Pendent. Pick up the rock that is behind the first rock. There should be steps there. Go down to find a man surrounded by pots. You will find five rupees under every pot. Exit, then re-enter until you obtain as many rupees as needed.

Go to Turtle Rock in the Dark World. Pull on the right paw and wait for coins.

Riddle quest:
Obtain ten medals in the Four Swords multi-player mode. You can start a riddle quest with the Lumberjack in Link To The Past. Complete the Riddle quest to obtain the Hurricane Blade special move.

Advance to the Fourth Dark World level:
This trick can be done as early as after completing the First Dark World dungeon. Note: The enemies in this level are very difficult if encountered earlier in the game without the preparations the other dungeons will provide. After you have gained the Magic Hammer, enter the Lost Woods by the farthest left entrance in Kakariko village. Once inside, turn right, then exit. Bash the two different spikes. Under the stone is a portal. The only point of entering early is getting the Big Key and Golden Gloves very early, saving the Smith, and getting the Level 3 sword before even entering the second dungeon. This makes the rest of the game up to the fifth or sixth dungeon much easier.

Upgrade fountains:
There are two upgrade fountains. Throw your bow, sword, or other item in and sometimes it will get upgraded. To find the first fountain, remember where the ring of rocks is located in the Dark World. North of there in the Light World is a cave behind a waterfall. Swim there and only throw in your shield or your boomerang. To find the second fountain, on the Pyramid Of Power is a crack in the wall that only a super bomb can break. Use a super bomb to blow a hole in the wall and toss in the tampered sword (Lv. 3 sword only) or your bow. If you toss in items, say that it is yours. Toss in an empty bottle and get a green potion back.

Selling bee for rupees:
You can sell the Good Bee from the cave next to the Ice Rod cave (go inside, dash into the Fairy Statue and catch the bee that appears). Get the bee, go to the man who sells you the bottle in the village next to the castle, and release the bee. When it touches him, he will give you about 100 rupees. This trick cannot be repeated.

Rupees or bees:
If you receive the Pegasus Boots, run into some trees that are not connected with other trees. You will either get some rupees or some bees that chase you.

Free Green Potions:
This trick requires the Zora's Flippers, the Power Gloves and the Pegasus Boots. From Hyrule Castle, go east and head north through the rocky area with the bomb throwing person. Head north and pick up the small white rock. Continue north. Work your way past the Witche's Hut and go all the way east on that screen. Pick up the big white rock and exit to the east. When you get to the dashable rocks, destroy one and hook around to the ledge. Make your way north. Jump off the ledge down to where the crabs are located and go north slightly more. Swim into the waterfall. This is the Waterfall Of Wishing. You can upgrade your shield to the Lv 2 Shield and your Boomerang if desired. If you throw an empty Bottle in, the Faerie will fill it with Magic Potion. Repeat this as often as desired.

Hidden bee:
There is a secret bee that will never fly away from you. Go to the cave where the Ice Rod is obtained. In the cave next to that one is a statue of a fairy. Run into it and the bee will appear.

Magic Boomerang:
Obtain the Super Bomb after completing four dungeons. Then, go to the Bomb Shop where Link's House is in the Dark World. Purchase the Bomb. Take the Bomb to the crack in the Pyramid and blow up the wall. Enter the hole and throw your sword first (only if the sword is level 3), followed by your arrows, and finally the boomerang. You will receive the Gold Sword, Silver Arrows, and the Magic Boomerang. Note: The boomerang should turn a reddish-orange color.

Get Magic Boomerang earlier:
Buy your Water Boots from the shopkeeper at the top of the map for 500 rupees. Then, swim down to see another waterfall. Go inside, put in your shield and boomerang, and they should upgrade.

Hidden dungeon:
Complete the Four Swords multi-player mode. You will now able to enter the Palace Of The Four Swords through a hole in the Pyramid Of Power in the Dark World.

Get Red Shield without entering Dark World:
You can get the red shield without entering the Dark World or paying 500 Rupees. After you get Zora's Flippers, go to the Mysterious Pond behind the waterfall. When you are asked to throw something in, answer "Yes". Throw in the small shield. When the fairy asks you if it is yours, answer "Yes" and she will give you the Red Shield.

Avoid tile damage:
In the rooms with the tiles that fly at you, stand in the doorway you came in from, facing towards the room. You will not lose any hearts because the tiles will just break on your shield.

Quick way to Gannon's Tower in the Dark World:
Go to the first temple in the Dark World. Get three fairies from the temple. Use the mirror and leave Use it again and save the game. Quit, then start game again. Go to mountain and warp to the Dark World. Jump off the cliff and go in the cave Use the hammer to kill the creatures and run through the spikes to reach Gannon's Tower.

Catching the running man in the village:
The man in the village that runs away from you can be caught. Just use the Running Boots to catch up with him.

Disappearing sweeping woman:
When you have the Magic Powder you can make the old woman that is sweeping the village disappear.

Bug catching net:
The bug catching net can be used as an alternative to reflect magic back at Agahnim.

Extra bombs or arrows:
Go to the Pond Of Happiness in the lower right corner of the map and throw in rupees until a fairy appears. She will ask if you want to carry more bombs or arrows. Select which ever you prefer, as you can repeat this until up to 50 bombs and 70 arrows are accumulated. Note :A large number rupees are required.

Extra energy:
If you hit an enemy with the Ice Rod and kill him with any weapon you will get energy.

Silver Arrows:
Throw your bow in the pool where the Golden Sword was obtained to get Silver Arrows.

Extra lives in dungeons:
Use the magic powder on the white-and-red flying skulls to transform them into fairies.

Potion from Fairy:
Go to the waterfall where the magic boomerang is obtained. Throw in an empty bottle. Tell the Fairy that you dropped in the bottle. She will reward your honesty with a free magic potion.

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