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Game Genie Codes THERE ARE 2 VERSIONS OF THIS GAME. IF THE FIRST CODE DOESN'T WORK ON YOUR GAME, THEN TRY THE SECOND CODE NOTE: BE SURE YOU ENTER THE CODES CORRECTLY, ESPECIALLY THE MASTER CODE 1. E6EE-A7D7 + 6DAF-12EB + 6D8D-C33E/ E6EE-A7D7 + 6DA4-1A8B + 6D8F-C33E MASTER CODE-MUST BE ENTERED 2. C2A1-CE5B/C2A5-C37B Infinite lives 3. D465-3D67/D46C-3D07 Start with 3 lives 4. DB65-3D67/DB6C-3D07 Start with 10 lives 5. F665-3D67/F66C-3D07 Start with 25 lives 6. 7F65-3D67/7F6C-3D07 Start with 50 lives 7. 1765-3D67/176C-3D07 Start with 99 lives 8. D4A1-437C/D4A5-4AEC Getting 100 bananas gives you 2 extra lives 9. D9A1-437C/D9A5-4AEC Getting 100 bananas gives you 5 extra lives 10. EEC2-1A1D/EECC-CA4D When your last Kong is hit, the other one returns. 11. DD6C-C7D4/DD62-C4A4 Pressing Select while paused exits any level, not just completed ones 12. 626D-4EBD Start with more Kong Family Coins 13. C2B9-13B7/C2B1-13F7 Kong Family Coins don't get used up 14. 626D-432D Start a new game with more Kremcoins 15. C2B9-1297/C2B1-1A27 Kremcoins don't get used up 16. EDD0-735A Mega-jump for Diddy 17. E7D0-735A Super-jump for Diddy 18. E1D0-735A Diddy jumps higher 19. EBD0-735A Diddy doesn't jump as high 20. ECD0-735A Diddy jumps much lower 21. EDD7-5AEA Mega-jump for Dixie 22. E7D7-5AEA Super-jump for Dixie 23. E5D7-5AEA Dixie jumps higher 24. EBD7-5AEA Dixie doesn't jump as high 25. ECD7-5AEA Dixie jumps much lower 26. EFDD-535A Mega-jump for Rambi with Diddy riding 27. E7DD-535A Super-jump for Rambi with Diddy riding 28. E5DD-535A Rambi jumps higher with Diddy riding 29. ECDD-535A Rambi doesn't jump as high with Diddy riding Extra Lives Beat the first level of the game,then re-enter the level and go into the cabin with the note and extra life.Get the extra life,press pause then select to exit the level.Keep repeating this until you are satisfied with how many lives you have. Music Test Start a new game file. Once on the player select screen, highlight the Two Player Contest option, then press Down on the Control Pad five times. An option labeled "Music Test" will appear. Cheat In the first level, go into the cabin and press L and then R, run out and get the first two banana's ya see, go back, press R and then L, then go out and jump over the banana's then go back and don't do anything then run out and jump out and then get the first two banana's, then go back in, there will be a large token that is not in the game, press x, y, b, and a at the same time and then get it. that is all thank you, this cheat will give you all the bonuses and access to everywhere in the game. Cheat On the select mode screen, keep on pressing down until the extra option comes up. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Donkey Kong Country 2 cheat codes. Don't like Game Score? Why not try viewing these cheat codes at one of these great cheat code sites: Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheats at A Cheat Codes Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch |