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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

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Game Name : Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
System : GameBoy
Date Added : 2005-01-21 18:41:56
Views : 17411

Wind Fish'es Egg: Find Bosses
Have the eight Instruments of Siren and the Magnifying Glass, then go to the town Library. Read the bottom-right book and write down the code. Head to Mt. Tamarach, and play the Ballad of the Windfish on the Ocarina. The instruments will play it for a while, then the egg will shake and burst open. The owl will appear and tell you you should go in to decide the island's fate. You enter the egg and follow the directions you had written. You then reach the bosses' chamber.(there is more than one)

Steal from the item shop
All right, first, go to the town where you first start out at. Go to the item shop. Go up to whichever item you want to steal, and press the A button. You will pick up the item. If you try to leave while you are still holding it, the guy will say you have to pay for it. Instead of paying, just walk around the guy, and he'll look in your direction. For example: if you're at the bottom of the shop, he'll be looking down, top of the shop, he'll be looking up. Behind him, he'll be looking to the right, and in front of him, to the left. Now anyway, just walk behind him (with the item you want to steal) and then make a break for the door, if you are lucky, he'll still be looking to the right of the screen, and you can walk out of the store, with your stolen merchandise.

WARNING: After doing this, everyone will call you theif, instead of what you originally named your character. Another thing, the next time you enter the shop, the clerk will kill you (it's really funny to watch, though). I suggest you use this code atleast to get the shovel, and the bow.

Exploding Arrows
You have to have bombs and arrows for this cheat.

Have the bombs and arrows loaded and press the A and B buttons at the same time. The arrow will carry the bomb and it will explode if it hits something.

Secret Dungeon
After aquiring the special boots go to your home town. Go all the way left. Now go down of the screen. You should see two boys playing catch and a building. Go into the building. There are many books on the tables and a book shelf. Use the boots to ram into the book shelf. A book should fall down. Read the book. It will tell you about a world of color and a 5 tombestone graveyard and strange directions. Go to the graveyard and find the section with five tombestones. Now move the tombestones in the order of the directions. If done properly a stare case should appear wich leads to the secret dungeon.

Cheaper Purchases
Select any item, then as your money is being deducted, quickly press Start + Select + A + B, save and quit the game. Then reload the saved game.

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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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