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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Dragon Ball Z : Buu's Fury

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Game Name : Dragon Ball Z : Buu's Fury
System : GameBoy Advance
Date Added : 2005-01-20 11:01:39
Views : 26916

Get Gokuu's hat its not a capsule
After you defeat the ninja boss at the ninja strong hold the first time you beat him he will go into the box in the corner of the room and when he does punch it once then you will see a hat fly out. Go pick it up it levels you up faster and better without slowing you down.

Duplicate Equipment
First, Equip Goku/Goten or Vegeta/Trunks (remove all unneeded equips before) and do the Fusion Dance. As Gogeta/Gotenks, remove the equipment from the equipped character. The Fusion will keep the equips but you'll be able to re-use the equips on another character. This will keep working untill you run out of Fusion time.

255 Senzu Beans
During the World Tournament Saga, when Gohan asks Goku to get a Senzu Bean, fly to Korin's Tower and get a bean from Yajirobe. Instead of giving it to Gohan, eat it. When you return, Goku will still give a Senzu bean to Gohan even though he does not have any. When you look in your invintory, you will see that you have 255 senzu beans.

Always Fuse Perfectly
When doing a Fusion Dance, when it says "Your Turn" press: Up, B, Left, Down, A.

Grand Kai's Boombox
Speak to Grand Kai on Grand Kai's planet after you defeat Kid Buu.

King Kai's Hammer
Go to the Cave of the Ancients on Grand Kai's Planet after completing the Other World Tournament and talk to Bubbles.

Korin's Cane
You will receive the Z-Fighter exhibit Korin's Cane from Korin himself after you give him red snapper fishes.

Broly's Crown
Defeat Broly at the volcano.

Mr. Popo's Turban
There is an invisible chest in front of four trees on Kami's Lookout. Check between the middle two.

Yamcha's Bat
Get to East District 439 and smash Gohan's level 140 door, then recieve it in a chest.

Yajirobe's Sword
Walk around Yajirobe counter-clockwise three times and he will drop an item near Babidi's Spaceship. It is the artifact Yajirobe's Sword.

Android #20's Hat
After killing Kid Buu, return to the train. On the place where people usually were, you will find 2 enemies. Defeat them for this box.

Ginyu's Capsule
Talk to a scientist in the left side of the main building of Capsule Corp.

Baba's ball
Finish the game and then talk to Baba, on Yenma's office.

Ox King's hat
Talk to King Ox in Goku's house.

Gohan's training sword
On Goku's house, go to the toybox and search it for this item.

Get Gogeta
Collect all Z Exhibits and all Hercule Exhibits.

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