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Game Name : Star Wars : Battlefront
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-01-17 15:50:02
Views : 33812

Jedi duel
To make two of the jedis to fight you must do the following thing. First off,You have to be the rebellion og the galactic empire.Next, you must make sure that both teams have the jedi hero bonus on. This is EXTREMELY important.When the game starts choose the "follow me"command(default F2 on your keyboard) and lead the jedi to the other jedi an they will fight.They won`t kill each other but they wiill kill everyone within a cetain radius of the battle, so I advice you to stay well out of the way.

Battle Of Hoth (Galactic Civil War): Destroying AT-Ats
Another way to defeat the walkers is to take control of the Snowspeeder as the pilot. When you get near the walkers, switch places so that you are in control of firing the tow cable. When the cable is attached, the CPU pilot in the speeder with you will complete the final wrap around.

Battle Of Hoth (Galactic Civil War): Defend against Snowspeeders
To defend your AT-ATs against Snowspeeders, simply move them close together. To wrap around the AT-AT's legs, a Snowspeeder must get close. The second AT-AT next to you will keep them farther away. Also, two AT-ATs can rip apart enemy lines better the one.

Tattoine Dune Sea (Instant Action): Killing Jedi
Start at an area with a Speederbike or STAP. Go to the Sarcaas and fend off Tusken Raiders until a Jedi appears. When near, shoot at the Jedi with the Speederbike or STAP, and do not let the deflected shots hit you. The Jedi will come close. When the Jedi is in range of the Sarcass, speed away. It will not be your kill, but the Jedi will die, then respawn. You can then kill them the same way again. Note: Do not do this immediately, wait until the Tusken Raiders are almost all gone or away from the Sarcaas.

Killing Jedis
Killing a Jedi is difficult. Get a vehicle that is able to fly. Go to the enemy Jedi and wait until he stands still. Then, land on top of him. He will respawn. Do this as many times as desired.

Alternate costumes for the Rebels and Imperials:
In some maps, the characters use different clothing to match their environment.

The following a list of alternate costumes that can be seen.

Imperial Pilot: Hoth pilot suit (Hoth map), Imperial Commando uniform (both Yavin and Kashyyyk maps, Tatooine: Mos Eisley map, and Endor map)

Rebel Marksman: Hoth camo (Hoth map), urban camo (both Bespin maps)

Rebel Pilot: none

Rebel Trooper: Hoth uniform (Hoth map), urban camo (both Bespin maps).

Rebel Vanguard: Hoth uniform (Hoth map)

Stormtrooper, Shocktrooper, and Scoutrooper: Snowtrooper armor (Hoth map)

Wookie Smuggler: Snow covered fur (Hoth map)

Kill a Jedi Hero
To kill a Jedi hero instantly just play a level with starfighters and land the starfighter on top of them.

Unlimited Health Or Ammunition
Stand, crouch, or lay near any one of the replenishment depots. Camp there with a sniper rifle and keep firing.

Kamino Storyboards
Beat the Kamino-Assault on Kamino Mission in Historical Campaigns: Clone Wars.

Bespin Concept Art
Beat the Bespin-The Liberation of Cloud City in Historical Campaigns: Galactic Civil War.

Yavin Concept Art
Beat the Yavin 4-The Fall of Yavin 4 Mission in Historical Campaigns: Galactic Civil War.

Hoth Concept Art
Beat the Hoth-Battle of Hoth Mission in Historical Campaigns: Galactic Civil War.

Weapons and Units Stills
Beat the Rhen Var-Mountaintop Defenses Mission in Historical Campaigns: Clone Wars.

Endor Stills
Beat the Bespin-Battle in the Clouds in Historical Campaigns: Galactic Civil War.

Geonosis Stills
Beat the Geonosis-Battle of Geonosis Mission in Historical Campaigns: Clone Wars.

Star Wars Battlefront Art
Beat the Kashyyyk-Aggressive Negotiations Mission in Historical Campaigns: Clone Wars.

Naboo Stills
Beat the Naboo-Rebellion on Theed Mission in Historical Campaigns: Clone Wars.

Tatooine Concept Art
Beat the Tatooine- Siege of Mos Eisley Mission in Historical Campaigns: Galactic Civil War.

Maps for Instant Action
Beat missions in Historical Campaigns to unlock them for Instant Action.

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